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Everything posted by LaDexter

  1. https://www.popsci.com/solomon-islands-study-author-downplays-climate-change-link Like many eco-friendly readers, you probably panicked over the news of five islands in the Pacific Ocean swallowed up by the rising sea levels associated with climate change. Now, Dr. Simon Albert, the author of the widely-trumpeted report documenting the shapeshift of 33 reef islands in the Solomon Islands between 1947 and 2014, claims the "climate change" aspect has been overblown. According to an interview with Albert in The Guardian, several media outlets, "exaggerated" the connection between the sinking of the five Solomon islands and climate change in his new study. It does exist. It just doesn't matter much because it produces 1 inch high tsunamis that don't bother anyone... The PROF, that matters...
  2. LaDexter says "They're" not Theyre.... or are you not LaDexter too?
  3. Moses was supposed to be a levite. When the Amalek attack the Israelites, just the levites take the field, and "Moses the levite" runs up a hill and hides... So was the original Moses a levite? Try this... A group of Marines go into battle, but one "Marine" flees up a hill and hides... is that guy really a Marine?
  4. Yeah, the Solomon Islands are Nowhere NEAR the PROF.... according to DC Tom and the rest of the climate "scientists"
  5. Put up a map then and document that. Where are the Solomons? A: right on the "lip" of the PROF on the subduction side.... just like the Marshalls
  6. The can't. Rod the Mossad's indictments are of Russian military figures who live in Russia. They need to be "extradited" and that will never happen. The timing of the indictment announcement is all about what really matters to Rod the Mossad Rosenstein = preventing Americans from figuring out ISRAEL was behind 911...
  7. That's not nearly enough.... Col Osman just took credit for what the CIA/Mossad did. The CIA did 911. The CIA/Mossad is behind ISIS. The CIA is chock full of Zionist Traitors who know this guy...
  8. Joshua viewed Moses as a "mascot." Jewish lore has it that Joshua actually went through 4 different "Moses" after offing the original on top of Mt Sinai.... Man, the problem of an ARROGANT MASCOT!!!!!!!!!! Just dress up another bearded older levite... nobody will notice!!!
  9. All three of the "warmers" sinking island chains are within 300 miles of the PROF and on the subduction side.... coincidence?? LOL!!!!
  10. It is entirely possible that small subduction zones exist all over. That doesn't change the basic equation of Earth's crust, which is that the Atlantic is growing, and the Pacific is shrinking... link? A 2 centimeter tsunami is still a tsunami, but....
  11. The 911 Traitors are really REALLY scared of Vlad Putin.... Maybe they should be.... because this is a KGB photo...
  12. This from a Hebrew speaking Zionist Traitor who has spent the last 18 years spending his investment gains from having insider info that Jews were doing 911 before they did, and then has been here for 18 years shouting down truthers and lying about the Pentagon....
  13. It is for an ACTIVE one... The Pacfic Ring of Fire produced the Japan tsunami a decade or so ago... Tsunamis are produced when one plate lurches under the other, "shrinking the bathtub..."
  14. I am a patriotic American who values truth and doesn't want the US taxpayer to waste tens of billions $$$ each year to pay liars to fudge data...
  15. Document a single tsunami coming from that fault..... LOL!!!! Start the Jeopardy! music....
  16. No, but he "looked different," and then 3500 Midianites who noticed he wasn't the same guy got the 911 Truther treatment from Chosen Levites = they were offed for noticing too much. Moses before Mt Sinai = saved by the Midians, given refuge, a job, a home.... Moses after Mt. Sinai = attacked Midian, came out of his tent to personally order their extermination, save the hot young virgins
  17. Will Hurd, former CIA, possible buddy of Col Osman....
  18. Why should anyone trust you? You think CNN giving the debate questions to Hillary before the debate was A-OK, and that letting the American people know that truth was "the problem."
  19. Because Bill Clinton knew which team he played for, which is why his "national security team" was all one specific demographic.... Sec of Defense - William COHEN NSA = Sandy the BURGLAR Berger CIA = ADL's highest award winner George Tenet Sec of State = Madeleine "I didn't know I was Jewish" Albright and what did they do??? 1. they refused to fire cruise missiles at Col Osman/bin Laden multiple times 2...... https://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/10/15/hugh-shelton-book-clinton-iraq-war-albright_n_764403.html Shelton sets the scene at a “small, weekly White House breakfast” that served as regular “informal” meetings that “encouraged brainstorming of potential options on a variety of issues.” Go read the whole thing. Readers aren’t told explicitly who had this particular brainstorm, but Shelton gives you some clues. The breakfasts, he says, were attended by NSA Sandy Berger, Secretary of Defense Bill Cohen, Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, CIA Director George Tenet, Vice President Chief of Staff Leon Firth, and U.N. Ambassador Bill Richardson. If you eliminate Berger, Cohen, Tenet, and Richardson and look at the Cabinet members that remain, you’re sort of left where Elliott is: with Madeleine Albright.
  20. As he should, since the KGB wasn't behind 911, but the CIA was.... Schumer and other Zionist Traitors in power here are 100% opposed to Putin and 100% upset that Putin has put KGB photos of Col Osman online...
  21. They all bolted long ago, after 1998, which is why the GOP is no longer a fiscally conservative party. Today's "post 1998 GOP" is 100% about ISRAEL and 0% about anything except Israel. They hate Putin because Putin is the world's #1 911 Truther.
  22. Complete with accusations of "treason" to boot...
  23. No, they are less than 300 miles from the Pacific Ring of Fire.... where one plate goes under the other... duh... There is no subduction in the Atlantic. The Atlantic Ocean is growing. Nobody fears a tsunami in Miami, because the tectonic formation needed to produce one is simply not there...
  24. Paternal grandma was Jewish. Personally, I think Moses was murdered on top of Mt Sinai, and replaced with a levite priest who needed 40 days to grow a beard...
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