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Everything posted by LaDexter

  1. Are you claiming the disciples stood there "shoulder to shoulder" with the "son of God" as he was "arrested," or did they take off as the music played BAD BOYS BAD BOYS.... No, those tons are still there for the US' worst ever traitor...
  2. Yes, he eventually went before the Roman authority.... but all his disciples, all his "followers," all the folks who eagerly cheered for Barabbas....etc.... And the "loaves and fishes" part.... gee, we find the "son of God" out of money and out of food.... obligated to feed $5k no less... Question, when he said "give up everything and follow me" WHO GOT EVERYTHING???
  3. Good thing Rod the Mossad has wasted millions of US taxdollars going after her. She really looks like she might think that it was wrong for CNN to give the debate questions to Hillary before the debate, something Rod the Mossad approved....
  4. Apparently that darn Hebrew to English translation software is FUing again....
  5. So tell us about the PROF, DC Tom. The Pacific Ocean floor moves slowly towards the PROF, and then when it gets within 100 feet of the PROF, the plate dives at a 90 degree angle, and the rock which makes up the plate doesn't break.... LMFAO!!!!! The PROF bends the Pacific floor plate hundreds of miles from the PROF, and that is why those 3 island chains are sinking and precisely nothing else is...
  6. He also blamed Syria/Assad for Israel's chem attack....
  7. One of the things "Republican" Rod the Mossad really supports is GUN CONTROL. If you support gun control, raise your right hand....
  8. He moved the embassy, right? WRONG - the paper fails to identify the PROF as the reason why the islands are sinking....
  9. Col Osman did... https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/fact-checker/wp/2016/02/16/bill-clinton-and-the-missed-opportunities-to-kill-osama-bin-laden/?noredirect=on&utm_term=.0c27173eebbe "The decision not to strike in May 1999 may now seem hard to understand" Until you understand that Col Osman was a Jew CIA Traitor just like Tenet, who wanted him ALIVE....
  10. Jesus is pretty funny. The demographic that actually observed him when he was alive, Tom's demographic, they reject him and consider him a fraud. Everyone else who never observed him is 100% sure he is the "son of God." My favorite part - when the "authorities" show up to arrest Jesus, his Disciples BOLT..... The only thing missing.....
  11. Moulds blew out a hammy and was never the same. He was on course for a Canton bust before the hammy went.
  12. Why did a libertarian endorse a socialist??? A: Jesse got a promise from Bernie to re-open the 911 investigation and that really was the ONLY issue the two agreed on...
  13. The Tippy Toppiest top climate "scientists" never get anything right.... Heck, the atmospheric data was two series, satellites and balloons, highly correlated data, and the "warmers" decided to fudge both, since neither showed any warming despite rising CO2.... Tom is typical of Zionist Traitors. No, he didn't kill anyone, and he was not piloting the 767 cargo plane from building 7. But Tom knew Israel was going to do 911 before it happened, invested to profit off it, kept quiet, and has lied his Chosen rear off for 18 years about what he saw hit the Pentagon. Accomplice to Treason = DC Tom and thousands of other "Israelis disguised as Americans."
  14. Get real. The Israeli owned US media wants US pols who are 100% sold out to the AIPAC lobby and 100% committed to covering up Israel being behind 911. They don't own Trump. They didn't own Bernie either, which is why Socialist Bernie got the endorsement of libertarian 911 Truther Jesse Ventura....
  15. He already is a "national hero," the nation being ISRAEL.
  16. They wanted her to win. A lot of them have serious 911 treason charges pending if we ever get DoJ under American control again... I know you won't accept it as true, but it is. In 2014, Boehner blocked the House Judiciary Committee from taking an FBI case the Holder DoJ had refused to prosecute and impeaching Obama for it. The case was climate change fraud. When Boehner left, Ryan actually re-kindled it... briefly. But in Nov 2015, Ryan met with Netanyahu, and once again America was sold out and Obama was allowed to finish his term. Trump and Sessions both knew of the case before they took office. That the case isn't out yet explains part of why Trump wants to fire both Swampy Jeff and Rod the Mossad, both of which don't want it out at all. BTW, Sessions, on the Senate Judiciary, also found out about the case and agreed to keep O in office and sell out America, something he did over and over again...
  17. The number of Republicans who were actively campaigning for Hillary was quite large. It wasn't just McCain and Ryan. It was the vast majority of "neocons." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Republicans_who_opposed_the_Donald_Trump_presidential_campaign,_2016 Jeb Bush, Governor of Florida (1999–2007)[7] Carly Fiorina, [a] CEO of Hewlett-Packard (1999–2005); 2010 nominee for U.S. Senator from California[8] (originally endorsed Trump for the general election but called for Mike Pence to take his place as nominee after the Access Hollywood Tape surfaced)[9][10] Lindsey Graham, United States Senator from South Carolina (2003–present) (voted for Evan McMullin)[11] John Kasich, Governor of Ohio (2011–present); U.S. Representative from Ohio (1983–2001)[12] (wrote in John McCain)[13] George Pataki, Governor of New York (1995–2006)[14] William Bennett,[a] Director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy(1989–90); United States Secretary of Education (1985–88)[15] Bill Brock, United States Secretary of Labor (1985-87); United States Trade Representative (1981-85); U.S. Senator from Tennessee (1971-77); Chairman of the Republican National Committee (1977-81)[16] Michael Chertoff, United States Secretary of Homeland Security (2005–09); Judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit (2003–05) (endorsed Hillary Clinton)[17][18] Bill Cohen, United States Secretary of Defense (1997–2001); United States Senator from Maine (1979–97) (endorsed Hillary Clinton)[19][20] Robert Gates, United States Secretary of Defense (2006–11); Director of Central Intelligence (1991–93)[21] Carlos Gutierrez, United States Secretary of Commerce (2005–09) (endorsed Hillary Clinton)[22] Carla Anderson Hills, United States Secretary of Housing and Urban Development (1975–77), United States Trade Representative (1989–93) (endorsed Hillary Clinton)[17][22] Ray LaHood, United States Secretary of Transportation (2009–13), U.S. Representative from Illinois (1995–2009)[23] Greg Mankiw, Chair of the Council of Economic Advisers (2003–05)[24] Mel Martinez, United States Secretary of Housing and Urban Development(2001–03); United States Senator from Florida (2005–09); General Chair of the Republican National Committee (2007)[25][26] Michael Mukasey, United States Attorney General (2007–09)[27] John Negroponte, United States Ambassador to the United Nations (2001–04); Director of National Intelligence (2005–07); United States Deputy Secretary of State (2007–09) (endorsed Hillary Clinton)[17][22] Henry Paulson, United States Secretary of the Treasury (2006–09) (endorsed Hillary Clinton)[28] Colin Powell, United States Secretary of State (2001–05), National Security Advisor (1987–89) (voted for Hillary Clinton)[29] William K. Reilly, Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency(1989–92) (endorsed Hillary Clinton)[22] Condoleezza Rice, United States Secretary of State (2005–09), National Security Advisor (2001–05)[30] Tom Ridge, United States Secretary of Homeland Security (2003–05); Homeland Security Advisor (2001–03); Governor of Pennsylvania (1995–2001)[17][31][32] William Ruckelshaus, Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency(1970–73, 1983–85) (endorsed Hillary Clinton)[22] George P. Shultz, United States Secretary of Labor (1969–70); Director of the Office of Management and Budget (1970–72); United States Secretary of the Treasury (1972–74); United States Secretary of State (1982–89)[24] Louis Wade Sullivan, United States Secretary of Health and Human Services (1989–93) (endorsed Hillary Clinton)[33] Christine Todd Whitman, Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency (2001–03); Governor of New Jersey (1994–2001) (endorsed Hillary Clinton)[34] Robert Zoellick, United States Deputy Secretary of State (2005–06); U.S. Trade Representative (2001–05); President of the World Bank Group(2007–12)[17] Governors[edit] Current[edit] Ohio Governor John Kasich Charlie Baker, Massachusetts (2015–present)[35] Dennis Daugaard,[a] South Dakota (2011–present)[36] Bill Haslam, Tennessee (2011–present)[37] Gary Herbert,[a] Utah (2009–present)[38] Larry Hogan, Maryland (2015–present)[39][40] John Kasich, Ohio (2011–present)[41] Susana Martinez, New Mexico (2011–present); Chair of the Republican Governors Association (2015–present)[42] Bruce Rauner, Illinois (2015–present)[43][44] Brian Sandoval,[a] Nevada (2011–present)[45] Phil Scott, Vermont (2017–present) [46] Rick Snyder, Michigan (2011–present)[47][48]
  18. Nanker obviously believes the "official" 911 version. Clearly, Nanker can show us photos of 1. bin Laden in Saudi Arabia 2. the bin Laden family but Nanker can't do that, because bin Laden was never in Saudi, and the "bin Laden family" only exists in Michael Moore's incredibly dishonest "mind." That bin Laden is/was Col Osman.... http://www.jar2.com/2/Iraq/Osama_Bin_Laden.html https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/osama-bin-laden-tim-osman-cia-ajiesh-tk http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/WRHARTICLES/binladen_cia.html has had claims all along, but no photos. The 911 Traitors emptied all US records of Col Osman.... but the KGB.... oooops..... thank you VLAD PUTIN for digging out the KGB archives and busting JEWISH Col Osman as bin Laden
  19. "his job" = obstructing justice, issuing bull **** indictments to undermine the President's foreign policy, caring only about ISRAEL The timing of these indictments was a deliberate attempt to ruin this Putin-Trump meeting. Rod the Mossad is not doing his job for justice in the US. Rod the Mossad only cares about ISRAEL. I will be shocked if there are enough patriotic Americans in the House to impeach Rod the Mossad. Happy, but very very shocked.... That won't happen. Zionist Traitors are plenty in the Senate. Lindsay Graham won't vote Rod the Mossad out. Ditto for dozens of other "Republicans" who are completely sold out to AIPAC.
  20. but is it good for ISRAEL?? That's what Chuck Schumer cares about....
  21. https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/solomon-islands-swallowed-climate-change_us_5730f200e4b0bc9cb047b77b "climate change will cause rising sea levels to swallow large swaths of land is playing out in the Solomon Islands. Numerous others in the South Pacific island nation appear to be headed for a similar fate "fate" = going under the adjacent plate
  22. Correct = climate change is not causing it, plate tectonics are... but the Solomon Islands are sinking, and you claimed they weren't... or that nobody was claiming they were, and you were BUSTED LYING
  23. That's your post.... I provided a link that suggests someone is claiming that. As a Hebrew, you don't like being busted lying....
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