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Everything posted by Jaywrizzo

  1. I hate when people say....Take that one play away and he only averaged this....With that one play added in, he still was garbage and shouldn't been relied on for that many carries.
  2. Maybe the gameplan shouldn't have been....Throw to the Wr that we barely used all season, every time Allen dropped back. Where was Beasley? Where was Brown? Why did we not hand the ball off to Singletary in OT.....These seem like bigger problems to me.
  3. Maybe people should understand the game, before they come up with silly threads.
  4. Haha....Yeah, its time to rethink that one.....its not even close....Allen made bad play after bad play.
  5. Is this a serious question? Hahahahaha.....The sad part is, U people are serious.....I like Allen and what he COULD be....That dude is not even close to Watson right now....I'm sure the same people that voted Allen, would tell U he's better than a young Aaron Rogers too.....That's how crazy your answer is.
  6. Yeah...bcuz people that actually played the game are always right...make sure you never have an opinion or disagree with any play call...How silly does that sound!
  7. Wrong...but if that makes you feel better about it...hey go with that....I've heard it all....bombs are just luck! Don't worry...let you tell it, he had no WTF plays this week neither.
  8. Hahahaha...ok, let him keep missing these throws...you're not going to say....WTF?? Yeah....Exactly!
  9. Allen missed a wide open Foster, more than once in this game....so if that's not a...WTF moment, then we don't need to have a conversation about this bcuz U don't understand the game! Yeah...but that's supposed to be one of his strong points......I'm not trying to come down on dude....but we need for him to hit that...especially if accuracy on short passes are going to be a problem.
  10. Easy....the play when he over threw Foster when he had the DB beat by 3yds......stop acting like everything he did was the greatest.....I like him too, seems to be getting better but Bills fans, always gotta go way to far with things.
  11. Hahahahahahaha...dude pump your brakes....they Loss, he missed throws....yes he had a good game...it wasn't great! He has to make that easy throw to Zay, who was wide open....Foster had his man beat by 5 yds...make that throw...He was a baller! He could've did alot more....BILLS FANS
  12. Oh yeah...tell me that again...after that clown couldn't get back to that last pass...leave him in Miami, with O'Leary!
  13. Croom will be a star...as soon as Josh Allen realizes Croom is a young QBs best friend.....I didn't mind O'Leary, would've kept him over Clay....nothing stands out about O'Leary. Hahahahaha.....yeah, if you listen to the people on here.
  14. Hahahahahahaha...Croom is a much better TE...already! And Logan Thomas is a good backup. Only problem I have with them getting rid of O'leary is, they didn't send Clay out the door with him....People still crying over a slow.....under average blocker in O'Leary? Please stop it!
  15. Thats a dumb reason to hate a player....Did U hate Moorman for running a fake punt? You're probably the same person that complains about no Defense being played in the Pro bowl...I did think he should've blown him up like that....but hate?
  16. Yeah...we might have found somebody to go with Zay Jones and Croom at TE
  17. Looks like he can catch a football now, undrafted....cut...sent to the practice squad and now dude is our best wr!
  18. We do need to find out if Allen is our Franchise QB...but why play him if he's not 100%...I rather wait, then rush him back, only to see him need a surgery, that could've been avoided.
  19. Yeah....that sounds like the right way to think about it.....WRONG.
  20. I'm sure Anderson is saying...I didn't sign up for this, I thought I was going to be a mentor....you're not sending me back out there.
  21. But hey.......Kelvin Benjamin is still on the roster.
  22. It wasn't Robert Woods and that had something to do with the QB being outside the pocket.
  23. Hahaha....and can they send Steve Largent too?
  24. Are U serious????? He tried to run, instead of throwing a Hail Mary for 1 of 2 reasons.....either he was scared to throw another INT... .or he was scared he couldn't reach the end zone......get that bum out of here.....Along with Benjamin and Clay!
  25. Ok...I didn't see the Date. At that time, I probably felt the same way.
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