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Everything posted by 30dive

  2. Hell he's played for New Orleans hasn't he? I'm still thinking most players would rather play for buffalo than NO and probably a boat load of other teams. Also by all acounts many players love DJ and really love playing for him. And I really think we are underestimating the value of Marv when it comes to players looking at the Bills.
  3. 2 points against a team coming off two straight wins and fighting for the 8th playoff spot on the road. I'll take it!
  4. Amen Nick!!! Our anthem: The words written by Francis Scott Key while being held captive by you buggers from England. However the music, alledgedly is from some pub, drinking song. Which I for one think is quite perfect!
  5. 2045 which will make me 81 I could live with that
  6. There was a post game show? I heard Berman pitch it three times into commercial breaks that had about 10 seconds of programingeach , then off to Greys Anatomy.
  7. I am quite sure she would not have a problem with you violating her FERPA rights.
  8. Well.....................Do tell!
  9. round I really would love to see this kid Daryn Colledge (LOT) out of Boise St. I've seen him play about six games over the past couple season and he really has impressed the hell out of me. If this kid falls to round three (which I doubt) He might be the steal of the draft. But I would seriously look at him in Round two. He's a tough kid from Alaska.
  10. One of the best laughs I've ever had watching one of these reality tv shows...When Tina says, "she's (Circie) affraid of leaves, does she know what show this is?"
  11. Absolutly! I really thought she had cleared the fence so to speak and then she opened her pie hole.....Bye Bye. The older women are done, they'll split 'em up and send each one of them to another tribe or team them with the young men and the young women will team with the older men.
  12. Welcome to that ever growing, we need and O-Line club. Do not let those who on occasion try to argue that we need to draft or bring in a QB or one of those "skilled" player types....As you seem to already know, it all starts UP FRONT!
  13. But, but I thought this administration was going to clean up Washington? What bothers me with this whole damn thing is if it can be done legally, why do it illegally? I really don't have a single problem with what this administration has done (the action). However as a procedure, I just do not see why they could not follow the law? The system is set up with check and balances, to protect all americans, and when a person or persons ignore, disregard that system they have commited a crime. Now if the administration wants to plead "guilty with explanation", I did that at traffic court once, it should, but the law has been broken even with a good explanation, so said the judge to me.
  14. I've come up with the perfect solution for my concern. I will Tivo the entire pregame, game and post game. Then I'll hold a Super Bowl Saturday party the next Saturday. The challenge of course will be to avoid any inormation about the result of the game for an entire week. Oh and I can fast forward though the commercials. Oh crap! I forgot thats what so many people watch the game for, the commercials. OK OK OK I can fast forward through the commercials during the last quarter, all the new/funny commercials will have been run. So now please will you all do me a favor next week and not post anything about the game until the following Sunday. Thanks!
  15. AAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWAAAAAAAA ......How was that shout?
  16. WOW! Thanks, Im glad you agree with my kids!
  17. I really don't understand why anyone would think that bars, restaurants, grocery stores, hotels, and the like would not sell balls out on Saturday. With that, I think I just read the best argument to the NFL for a Saturday Super Bowl. "I'm not watching it while I'm driving home, and putting my kids to bed, therefore I'm not watching the cute commercials".
  18. oh thats a bunch of crap! It's about money and the perception that Sunday will bring in a larger audience. Dr. Fong is nuts on! Its just like the NCAA that does not need a football playoff system because they think they make more money with the bowls. In both cases the NFL and the NCAA are wrong. Super Saturday and football playoffs would bring in larger audiences
  19. you should be stoned to death.....but that just my opinion
  20. This has bugged me for quite some time. Why is the game played on Sunday? Why not Saturday night? It has gotten to the point where even if it starts at 6-6:30 we (people with young children) need to leave parties before it's over to get them in bed for school the next day. Some of us actually go to work the next day too! Hell the game could be played as late as 9pm on Saturday night and it would not matter to me and I'm thinking many more. I might understand the whole idea of needing days to practice if the game was played the weekend after the Conference Championship games, but with two weeks in between Saturday just would ssem to make so much more sense. And don't even get me started with the "championship" games in the NCAA.
  21. NO MORE EXPANSION TEAMS WINNING IT ALL BEFORE THE BILLS. Those of you rooting on the Seahawks should be stoned to death.
  22. Ah George Washington...........His was politics at its best. History tells us that, like many of his peers, he set up kegs of varrious alcoholic beverages outside the polling places on each election day for the varrious offices he ran for in Virginia. Booze 'em up and get 'em to vote for you. Now thats what we ought to be doing today. You also ought to read some of the media reports from back then regarding individuals running for office, not to mention the things they (candidates) said about each other on the campaign trail. It would make the likes of Howard Stern blush.
  23. That's funny!
  24. Most of my friends disagree with my politics (that is pretty eay as I am the biggest fence sitter I know) My Left friends tell my I'm a righty, and my Right friends tell me I'm a lefty, and I get along with them all. So that said I would be happy with Rush or Jesse Jackson for that matter if they were committed to, and brought a winner to Buffalo
  25. We have become a testy lot as of late. Yesterday, people were ready to hang the BNews because of the "steak" column and now theNiagara Gazett because of the "falls" column. Relax folks!!! Sarcasm is healthy.
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