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Everything posted by BritBill

  1. I live in a city which is arguably the most haunted in the world - https://www.nationalgeographic.com/travel/intelligent-travel/2008/10/30/york_england_most_haunted_city/ The history in the city is so deep it opens itself up to haunting stories. I personally have only seen one thing which I can't explain. A friend and I were walking home from the local pub late one night (I know, I know). Part of the journey takes us through the original and old part of the village we lived in. A lovely green space with trees which has the village church which was built from the left over stone of York Minster (https://yorkminster.org/). As we approached a road which ran left to right in front of us we both saw a white object, around waist height float by at human running speed and head over the greens towards the church. We saw this from about 60 ft away. We looked at each other and ran towards the direction it travelled towards but lost sight of it. I'd say the thing was the size of a regular trash can in height and width but it had no obvious features like body parts. It wasn't glowing or partly transparent either. Almost like a fat golden retriever on its hind legs but you couldn't see any legs or face. We had a good look around the greens and the churchyard but didn't see anything again. Now if I'd have been on my own I'd have just put it down to drink, the location, trick of the light and my imagination. For us both to see the same thing and recognise its path at the same time leads me to believe it was something unexplained which wanted to be seen. And no, it wasn't a fat golden retriever running on its hind legs.
  2. I collect stickers and put them into their albums. Mainly soccer international tournament ones but this year I've just managed to complete the Panini NFL 2020 sticker and card collection. The first time I've attempted that. It's a lot easier to make trades these days due to sites like laststicker.com where you can see what other traders have and need and arranges swaps.
  3. That's a nice pike at the top. We quite often go pike fishing in the river which runs through our city. Keep it simple. 12lb line to a wire trace which links to a spinner or lure. Just walk the river bank for hours. We very rarely catch much of note but my brother has had a 20lb catch.
  4. I could have sworn that was Michael J Fox I saw in the garden centre today. I can't be 100% sure because he had his back to the fuchsias...
  5. "If you want a rainbow you have to put up with the rain" Do you know who said that? Dolly Parton. And people say she's just a pair of big breasts.
  6. Yes, he plays with passion but then again, I could do that. Doesn't mean I'll do anything of note on the pitch. A few of the Raiders players play from the loins and not the brain. They need to find the balance. Just like as you say, our fine warriors do.
  7. If Jonathan Abram played as well as he jawed he'd be all pro.
  8. I concur. While he might not be an all pro anymore Josh Norman will certainly bring the swagger and mouth Phillips and Lawson did. I think the defence will be better if/when Norman returns.
  9. I think it's just a case of Blandino trying to take the bland out of his name. He'd put a glass eye to sleep that lad.
  10. How Donald turned it up on Sunday in the second half reminded me of our game at the Raiders a few years ago. We were in front and Khalil Mack took over and ruined our offensive line. Totally changed the course of the game. Fortunately we're now an offensive juggernaut so were able to overcome and deal with it.
  11. Just ignore the analytics and enjoy it. And if it doesn't last don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened
  12. I hardly bother with any coach press conferences. There's no point. I'm glad McDermott is like he is.
  13. This is the game the D gets in on some red hot scoring action. Rams 24-34 Bills
  14. It makes you wonder how we won on Sunday doesn't it?
  15. I wouldn't have a clue in an offensive lineman was having a good day or nor other than if he was a complete and obvious turnstile. However, I follow Brandon Thorn on Twitter who provides excellent and thorough analysis of linemen on both sides of the ball but he does seem to focus in on offensive linemen more. He does annual rankings of all starting linemen and he certainly rates Spain higher than a lot of folk and especially Joe B. He also posted a video of Dawkins being particularly nasty finishing off a block and stated "Dawkins is good for a couple of these a game". I recommend Thorn as an OL analyst.
  16. I’m sorry but I can’t stand the way McDermott eats his dinner. All mouth closed, efficiently chewing and gently whiping his mouth clear of any juices and excess food. If you watch Belichick eat he does so in a way where there isn’t any danger of food leaking out past his beautifully formed mouth. All class and he knows the exact nutritional value of what he’s fuelling his body with. That loser McDermott just looks at his grub and wonders if it’s good for a wrestler. Doesn’t even check to see the brand of ketchup he haphazardly smothers his fries with. Anyway, to stop myself getting angry I just don’t bother watching him eat anymore as doing the same thing over and over getting the same bad result is the definition of madness. Go Bills 👍
  17. I hope not. For the same reason I'd want Goff to go at Tre White all day. From what I saw of the highlights of the Rams v Cowboys games Ramsey didn't follow Amari Cooper. He went up against Gallup and Lamb a bit too. You'd expect this to be the case on Sunday too but with Diggs, Brown and possibly Davis. Can anyone see him covering Beasley? Not me. Allen will need to be selective when targeting Ramsey. There'll be opportunities a plenty to throw whoever isn't Ramsey . Ramsey might be a bit of a gobshite pillock but more importantly he's a corner you don't take liberties with. It would be great if we could control the game and then get him with a play like we did on Gilmore with Brown last year to seal the win. But at the end of the day, winning, no matter how, is more important than rubbing Ramsey's face in it.
  18. I may be wrong but didn't we do this to both the Falcons and Vikings? I must say I'm really looking forward to these next four games. We've had the fishy starters now it's time for the main course. Let's eat and be merry. Sunday's game has been selected as the live 6pm (1pm for you guys) Sky Sports game over here. A sign we're doing ok.
  19. Oh aye, he’s a very wealthy man and fair play to him. To continue the poker analogy, it’s ironic he’s ended up with the fish 👍
  20. I liken Fitz to the guy who plays in your local poker tournament who plays and calls every hand and bet. He has no inhibitions and is going to jolly well enjoy himself along the way. He'll win a few hands early doors, enjoy a drink and a giggle but eventually he get picked off by the better players but ultimately, won't win a penny. The other players love having him there and he's a good person but they also know he gives them a very good chance of doubling their chips.
  21. The lucky little bugger has a Switch as well so I’m not sure where we’d keep 3 consoles 😀 I suspect we’ll box up the PS4 and keep in case of an emergency.
  22. I have a question if somebody can answer please? My son has a PS4 and has done well to save money to buy plenty of games. The vast majority of which are downloads from the Playstation Store. If we get him a PS5 for Christmas and sign in with his current Playstation account details will the games he downloaded be available to play? We'll get him a game or two for the PS5 as well but he might want to play his PS4 games as well while saving up for more PS5 games. Cheers.
  23. And use that third to draft a young RT or RG who we can spend time finding his correct position and developing into a solid contributor?
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