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Everything posted by BritBill

  1. Sometimes they do and sometimes they don’t. But not every year and not for every London game. They announce it in good time if they are. I hope they do as the one before the previous Bills game in London was great.
  2. Easiest way to get from station to stadium is get the London Overground to White Hart Lane station from Liverpool Street station. You can get to Liverpool St via a number of Tube lines. But has been mentioned before, London is so easy to get around due to the Tube you won’t find it difficult to get anywhere you’d like to go. As for pubs, I don’t think anywhere “official” has been announced for a meet up. We’re staying over in Euston the night before the game so will be having breakfast in the Euston Flyer pub before the game then jumping on the Tube.
  3. I hope they bulldoze it then forget the build the new one.
  4. They’re a small-medium sized club in the grand scheme of things and aren’t going to have the money to build anything close to what the Bills or even other clubs in the Premier League. They do need a new stadium as it is very dated. It has plenty of “character” though. Just a shame it’s filled by absolute love weapons every game. Luton itself is a *****-tip.
  5. Brick Lane is amazing. We might even head there on the Saturday night.
  6. The cafe from Layer Cake I'm lead to believe. I went there once but the queue to get in was massive.
  7. If by "afternoon tea" you're meaning a cuppa and a few sandwiches I can assure you I've no previous experiences of paying for one of those in London 🙂
  8. £16.50 for a "full" breakfast 🤑
  9. plenz makes a good point. It's good to decide which part of London you want to see, get the tube there and just wander around. You'll stumble upon all sorts of sights and places with interesting stories. We once walked from Kings Cross to the West End theatre district instead of getting the Tube and on the way we passed through Carnaby Street and came across a Banksy mural in the space of half an hour. Hadn't planned to see them but glad we did. You're never far away from a Tube station if you feel you're starting to get a bit lost. And there aren't many places in central London where you'd feel uncomfortable.
  10. As a tight-arsed Yorkshireman I've used this site before - https://www.londonforfree.net/
  11. Passport - that's a thing for between you and your governing body. Cell phone - probably best to get in touch with your cell plan provider and see what they can do for you. Power outlet - you'll need a 3 pin plug adaptor - https://www.amazon.co.uk/Adapter-VINTAR-Travel-Suitable-America-White/dp/B0BBRLP4DD/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?crid=149UW10Q7EGJ&keywords=us+to+uk+plug+adapter&qid=1687851845&sprefix=us+to+uk%2Caps%2C137&sr=8-1-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&psc=1 Transportation - as mentioned by creek, the tube is the most efficient way to get around. If your debit/credit card has a contactless pay option you don't need an Oyster Card. Just scan your credit/debit card each time you enter and leave a station and at the end of the day, the cheapest way for you to have travelled on the Tube will be calculated and deducted from your account. The most you can pay is the amount for a day travel card in whatever zones you travel in. If going outside London then train is probably your best bet. Always cheaper to book tickets in advance if you know where you're going and when beforehand. Tourist things - look online and see where you fancy going. Some places you can buy a tourist card which will give you discounted entry for a number of sights. One thing I enjoyed doing a few years ago was a Jack the Ripper walking tour. You get taken around the nooks and crannies East End and told stories of the crimes of Jack the Ripper. It takes you off the beaten path for a couple of hours. Currency - I use a travel card when I go abroad. A debit card which links to my bank account and helps to provide good exchange rates when making purchases. Something you'll need to assess yourself as it will be a personal choice. A note on this is Spurs Stadium is completely cashless so if you intend of buying food and drink in there you'll need a debit/credit card. Soccer games - although some teams have a reputation for giving a safer experience than others there isn't one ground I'd never go to. Especially with kids. The important thing is probably ensuring you go in the correct part of the stadium depending on who you want to support that day. And even then some clubs fans are a lot more tolerant than others. If you let us Brit guys on here know which games you'd like to go and see I'm sure we'd be able to give you some specific help and suggestions to make it an enjoyable and safe experience.
  12. Most of the "mind the gap" announcements are digitally produced but there is one still played with the original voice actors voice. I think it may be Tottenham Court Road tube station but can't be 100% sure of that. Anyway, the gentleman who voiced the original announcement died and for years after his widow would regularly visit the just station to hear his voice. This. It's about a 20 minute walk straight up Seven Sisters Road but you'll mingle with lots of other fans.
  13. Augie landing their private plane on the Seven Sisters game day morning will be a sight 😂
  14. Just be patient if you can. I’ve just looked at the prices for the MLB game in London on StubHub and they’ve dropped significantly in the last week. The Bills game will do the same the close it gets to game day. I’m sure of it.
  15. Yes, I got an email earlier too. Not sure what DAZN is! £150 for the season.
  16. Just because the Bills haven't won a Lombardi under McDermott & Beane it doesn't mean they haven't got the Bills where they need to be to meet their internal goals. Goals set by Pegula which have been met to trigger the extension.
  17. The Mermaid Theatre at 19:30. Just say you're taking them to a stage show before the curry 👍
  18. Per the Bills. https://www.buffalobills.com/news/bills-announce-contract-extensions-gm-brandon-beane-hc-sean-mcdermott-2027
  19. Are you going to the event in London tonight? Gabe Davis is one of the players on show.
  20. We're behind one of the end zones and to the side of the Bills side line. Seem decent seats.
  21. Bet it was that one extra seat they put in to make it a larger capacity than the Emirates 😆
  22. I've just got in and all tickets are gone. No single tickets available.
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