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Real News

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Everything posted by Real News

  1. Trump's response will be very interesting
  2. Brutal look from Cillizza. His response is valid, though, and should be noted before he's seen as a deep state operative hellbent on assassinating the president.. I downloaded GifGrabber and what he said is indeed true.
  3. By argument for this, I meant an argument for your take, which you briefly go over with your last two sentences. Thanks for your input. Do you think people have the right to self identify as they wish outside of their sex?
  4. There's certainly a fair argument for this if you're willing to make it. Do you see a difference between gender and sex?
  5. At this age children should not be subjected to such a complicated discussion. A child is not going to understand that sex is a biological law and gender is a societal construct.
  6. This forum has a football section?
  7. Does this guy ever add any value to this forum, or should I ignore him now? After looking through his post history it seems he only posts insults, calls posters snowflakes, and brags about his sex life.
  8. Does the White House disagree with Kushner?
  9. I believe one's political party has very little to do with their character and arguing which side is "more disgusting" is a waste of time that only does more harm than good.
  10. This is correct. There are now 52 confirmed deaths, and Israel has confirmed 3 of the 52 dead are terrorists. Those three were involved in a bomb laying attack near Rafah.
  11. 5 facts 1. A 14 year old was shot and killed. 2. A 15 year old was shot and killed. 3. Two 16 year olds were shot and killed. 4. 39 others were killed as of this afternoon. There are almost 2000 wounded Palestinians. 5. Israel has not reported any deaths or injuries to their military. These facts lead one to believe it's more the Israeli military engaging with different factions of protesting Palestinians.
  12. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/05/11/climate/pruitt-cardinal-pell-dinner.html Pruitt’s Dinner With Cardinal Accused of Abuse Was Kept Off Public Schedule WASHINGTON — Scott Pruitt, the administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, dined last year in Rome with Cardinal George Pell, a prominent climate-science denialist and Vatican leader who was also facing sexual abuse allegations. The E.P.A. later released official descriptions of the dinner that intentionally did not mention the cardinal’s presence, according to three current and former E.P.A. officials. Kevin Chmielewski, Mr. Pruitt’s former deputy chief of staff for operations, said in an interview that top political appointees at the agency feared that the meeting would reflect poorly on Mr. Pruitt if it were made public. Twenty days after the dinner, authorities in Australia charged Cardinal Pell with sexual assault; he has denied the charges.
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