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Everything posted by Infinitum

  1. Good, I hope they fold up.
  2. Same old coach speak TBH.. This guy is so boring to listen to.
  3. Must be a lot of ppl on Medicaid in Niagara County then... My taxes are stupid high. Wow, all I could find are numbers circa 2013, 90k ppl on Medicaid in Niagara county with a population of 212k. 42% of people in Niagara county are on medicaid? WTF. No wonder why the population is receding and taxes are going up...
  4. https://orleanshub.com/counties-would-see-big-property-tax-reductions-if-ny-paid-local-share-like-most-counties/ Where do you think the most users of State run Medicaid reside???
  5. Over 80% of my county property taxes goes towards medicaid, for ppl in NYC. So no, you're wrong.
  6. This is a good example of women being too much trouble to bother with IMO. Less headaches for the franchise if they don't bring them back. They bring nothing to the games anyways, people these days would rather look at their phones for fantasy stats than cheerleaders... Times change.
  7. No way, they would have outright lost the game if Flutie had started.
  8. I think we're all thinking things that no one wants to say when it comes to his situation.
  9. I don't think he should have deleted the tweet, it was harmless IMO.
  10. I wonder if he will talk any different than before. Sure looks different. I have a relative who went through something kind of similar, looks and talks completely different now.
  11. That's awesome You seem to have an agenda, have fun with that...
  12. Welp, scrubbed for the day. Try again tomorrow.
  13. They had a good O-Line last year, this up coming season it has the potential to be one of the worst in the NFL. I don't think we'll see 9 wins.
  14. Well, it can be said a couple different ways lol.
  15. The heavy launched a Tesla into space a few months back, was pretty impressive. This is not even the rocket going to Mars, that will be the BFR "Big Falcon Rocket"
  16. This is the Falcon 9, not the Falcon heavy. This is the rocket that later this year, will take Astronauts to the ISS (first time ever to be done by a private space company). This is the first flight of the Falcon 9 "Block 5", meaning this is the newest, and last revision to this model. Unfortunately, looks like it won't launch today...
  17. Unfortunately these days, character assassination is the way of the world, especially the western world, especially the media in the western world, especially the media in the USA.
  18. http://www.spacex.com/webcast Elon Musk is a hero, go Falcon 9 block 5!
  19. I don't think starting Allen day 1 is a very good idea. They drafted a project QB, project QB's should not start day one, especially in an organization that has not proven it can develop a young QB.
  20. Yeah, guess I am missing something...
  21. Good for you I suppose...
  22. Not really, I was thinking the same thing.
  23. Absolutely would not have traded White for a 4th overall, that doesn't make any sense...
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