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Everything posted by Warcodered

  1. Expect an offseason announcement of them finally building an overhang over the opposing teams sidelines, unfortunately it'll be transparent and oddly magnifying glass like. There's some irony in this coming from a Dolphins fan troll on a Bills forum.
  2. It's so ***** obnoxious how much sports media has picked up this narrative from these sore loser fans and some hating fan bases like the Chiefs and Dolphins. Because when a sane person actually ***** looks it's not hard to see.
  3. Yeah this wasn't year 1,2, or 3 this was year 4 next year is his last before he has to be signed, tagged, or let go to Free Agency. You're #1 pick Franchise QB needs to have done that by now. Pro Bowl doesn't mean *****, Mahomes made the Pro Bowl this year and he didn't do ***** in the regular season.
  4. Except with that new QB contract fitting in all those high priced weapons on offense that Tua needs to be able to get to his timing throws becomes much harder.
  5. I support your team paying him whole heartedly. Which is insane it could legit be one of the smarter GM moves, with his inflated numbers and accolades they might get something good trading him on that 5th year. The longer they wait the worse it's going to be.
  6. I think he may have been on against the Dolphins, it's just his bad regular season turnover luck masked it. He marched that offense down the field all day, the first turnover was pretty clearly a miscommunication, WR goes one way Josh threw it the other and the DB managed to catch it off the grass. Second one was a 4th down give a WR in the endzone a chance maybe get a penalty throw but the WR tripped/was tripped. Before the half he threw a damn TD Cook just dropped it, and the throw to Ty was both a great stop and incredibly dirty hit by the defender. Fumble defender gets into the pocket that quick and smacks the ball not much you can do about that.
  7. He has a 5th year they could let him play on it, they could use that 5th year he has left to trade him to help try and find the actual solution. Obviously this is good for us but he's not it, ripping off the band-aide and getting what they can out of him is their best option.
  8. AFC Pro Bowl Starting QB you're going to have to pay him top $, probably should lock him up for as long as possible too.
  9. Because the Bills have been humiliating his Dolphins repeatedly for a while now.
  10. and they had to be in an empty division and not in the AFC West like they should have been.
  11. Both those losses made the weekend somehow worse for the Browns and Dolphins. Dolphins only win against a winning team this season not looking as great and was weak looking win from the start. Browns got to watch the QB that busted himself up for their city and broke their playoff drought that they rewarded by sending him to QB purgatory in Carolina win a Playoff game on the same weekend that they got embarrassed by the team that they traded a future's worth of picks for their creepy QB.
  12. Texans are a team that could absolutely take an early lead and the Ravens are not a team I like chasing.
  13. You mean their 1 Playoff win with Lamar against the Titans who were like a mirror of a team great at getting into the playoffs to run into teams that could gameplan against them.
  14. I don't know I think I could come up with some more extreme words for the Chiefs than that.
  15. What do you think happens when you suddenly decelerate to change directions as suddenly as you can, I mean what the hell are we trying to say that QBs aren't allowed to make any moves as a runner because defenders 5+ yards away make a stupid decision and give up on the play. That's on them Josh never came close to the ground, and he barely slowed down for an instant during the move.
  16. As clear as can be he's not sliding he's juking some defenders out of theirs shoes, I don't think it can get any clearer than from this angle.
  17. Not for nothing but in the redzone that's exactly what he should do.
  18. I thought this was going to be about his catch and release technique.
  19. Yeah just the three fanbases of the Dolphins, Chiefs, and Steelers I wonder why.....🤔
  20. If there is it's going to be hard to make anything out through Josh's afterburners. If the defenders made that mistake then that's all on them it was a monumentally stupid decision. It's the Playoffs, and it's Josh ***** Allen, did they watch tape on him all week or not? You watch tape on him running in the open field and this is exactly how he creates more yards by making defenders take bad angles. It's not like they were right on top of him he had a ton of space still, all of them should have been thinking they needed to close and get hands on him even if he was sliding as they got close. Then what happens Allen took a different angle, the defender that tried to adjust gets ran the ***** over, and the others quickly realize "Oh ***** he's past our angle and we can't catch up!"
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