Also depends on how the refs are feeling, we got hosed on the one against the Dolphins, I mean who had Allen at the point where they blew the play dead, it's 4th down he ain't giving up until he knew he had it, but they blew it dead so damn quick.
It's impossible because it's so close to the line and they can't just be sure either way, so you can't just give it to them when you called short, what should have happened would be they would have had to of made an actual good spot and then it would have been luck of the draw on the chains.
Stroud did well early as well, pressure got to him as the game went on.
Last year people were all saying he was only a product of the system, I think he's better than that, there have been times when he's been able to make things happen when things break down. But I think they've gone a bit far in the other direction here lately.
Yeah last year Micah Hyde takes a hit that doesn't look bad and is out until the Conference Championship Week if we'd made it meanwhile Dane Jackson takes a hit that makes you worried about him walking again and he's back a week or two later seemingly out of precaution.
Even in the Steelers game that defender went for a leaping tip, it was like you got to be ***** kidding me.
Purdy like wait I can't throw it to Debow in the tent.
They had a better shot than it seemed, but they didn't capitalize on it. In the first half they were moving the ball if they didn't shoot themselves in the foot and actually got points then maybe they leave the half with a lead of one or 2 scores. That happens and it could have been a very different game, not sure how well the Ravens chase a lead.
Because they have, we lost to them with Lamar once in the regular season and even then it was one really close pass away from going the other way, and that was in 2019 Josh wasn't playing at his best and Diggs wasn't here yet.
No I bet it's been addressed, at that point in the game the team felt like they'd won, he has his responsibility for it of course, but the lesson of never letting up and finishing against this team I'm sure was addressed.