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Everything posted by Warcodered

  1. Or they'll use him in a different way that doesn't result in this. I still disagree with that he went away from a completely open middle of the field just because there was a defender on the inside.
  2. A bit more aggressive on first or second down so they don't have to necessarily do what they did on 3rd and 4th which were the right calls.
  3. No thanks I've seen that highlight where plants one of us like a tree, no way, not me.
  4. You never know with him, he's twisted other things before.
  5. The team is essentially used to running alongside the edge of a cliff.
  6. Whatever Gabe's role is in the offense it involves too much communication/being on the same page with Josh and they just aren't like that this year.
  7. More Kincaid and Shakir yes please, they really got things moving.
  8. I guess we took it to help get into FG range?
  9. Hey be nice, his team just lost the division. Not sure Tua operates below 20 degrees.
  10. I'm sure they can use it to say something else.
  11. Him and Gabe obviously on the wrong page again on one, Gabe tripped on a 4th down on another, immediatly had a D-linemen through the line hit the ball on the fumble. Yeah also maybe the refs could have called the unnecessary roughness on the hit that took Ty Johnson out of the game at the goal line.
  12. Yeah Hashtag sports made this video almost seemingly to speak better coaching/performances into existence and it's been weirdly prescience since then.
  13. I mean Cook catches an easy TD, Refs call obvious PI on the Knox pass in the redzone probably a very different game.
  14. If he's learning to play the ball that's a massive improvement.
  15. Rapp plays the ball and it breaks him.
  16. But what if his thumb hit first then wouldn't it have been in bounds.
  17. The penalty saved Miami a timeout...but we didn't need it....WTF refs.
  18. On that 3rd down did Wilkins go after Allens boys again?
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