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Everything posted by Warcodered

  1. Passing yards, Passing TDs, Rushing TDs, Total Yards, Total TDs But nah let's just ignore them all? and by team success do you mean 2 more wins?
  2. Just the after effects of swallowing Tua's soul.
  3. The guy is locked on Kincaid and Josh the whole way, the moment Josh throws he's gone and it's either broken up or stopped short, maybe we get lucky and just works out, but that defender was anticipating that throw all the way.
  4. Yeah just making assumptions on games that weren't played is ridiculous. and Allen has 9 games with 250+ passing yards Lamar has 5, I looked 300+ games and Allen has 5 to Lamar's 3 so I don't know maybe Lamar doesn't catch up against the Steelers who's best feature is defense. 🤷‍♂️ Why Allen? 2 seed, 11-6 in 3 of those losses he left the field with the lead. 5 game winning streak.
  5. Even then their QB may be named after a reindeer but ours is a ***** moose, I like us to find a way to get it done.
  6. My instinct is to say he's terrible but at the same time that's like as an overall team Coach maybe he could do Offense? I mean his teams always lost a lot in college if he actually can scheme a potent offense what's the Achilles heel that makes them lose and would a competent HC and DC around him be able to harness him positively?
  7. When it's not called there's a simmering rage, that you temper with if they're not calling it they're not calling it. Then Dane Jackson gets flagged and you explode.
  8. Your facts aren't accurate, 1. Allen has 9 more turnovers than Lamar and if we're going to use the fact that Lamar didn't play this last week in his favor for positive stats I suppose we have to use it for negative ones to. Hey they played them before how'd he do then....oh 2 turnovers well that's not nice oh and they even took a safety on a punt when he couldn't get them out from the shadow of their own goalpost. But like how in just one more game Lamar is somehow going to put a significant dent into Josh's 15 TD lead against a defense that he lost against with the exact same score his backup did, only he didn't have any turnovers. 2. Josh doesn't lead the league in turnovers.
  9. Maybe that's why Josh wanted Gilliam in.
  10. Whelp guess I'm not playing in this stadium anymore this season.
  11. Using the replay of a TD posted on a teams Twitter from a game? I mean I'm pretty sure every single team that's scored on the Steelers this year and last year has done the same thing.
  12. Which is sad his team is 11-6, in 3 of those losses he left the field with the lead and in one of them he went back in for OT and left with it again.
  13. 🤷‍♂️ Regular season is over Josh ends it with the most TDs and Yards, not in the Pro Bowl and not winning the MVP because why the ***** not.
  14. Translation: Please, Please don't retire yet, we don't have any idea what to do if it doesn't work with you.
  15. They need a magnifying glass to amplify the power of the sun during winter.
  16. I knew we were going to use that for motivation, I mean why the hell not.
  17. Right obviously the team needs to knuckle down grit out this win. But all last week there's all this worry about the Dolphins who were a team that had a top offense and the 2nd seed and now were doing it with the Steelers who barely have an offense at all?
  18. Yes this one will probably be perfectly fine. but it's the overall concept of coordinators and what not looking to interview or work on their resume right now during the Playoffs when it's the most critical part of the season.
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