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Everything posted by Warcodered

  1. I don't know that seems like he's lost some weight.
  2. While I still think they should have built a dome, and know that has nothing to do with this, putting it in an area that tends to get slammed with lake effect snow seems like a rather questionable decision. Unless that's not really the case and there wasn't really a better location in the Buffalo area.
  3. One of them: We're getting paid to do this. 🤣
  4. Saw someone post a video of a corner road where you should be able to see the stadium, you could not.
  5. There's always next year buddy. If they don't commit to making a change at QB next year, they'll be exactly where they were in the middle the season this year thinking he's better than he is.
  6. Or they could have just watched "Band of Brothers"
  7. That's such a stupid thing to be angry about, the number of times Josh and him have played I'm sure they've traded jersey's by now, it's such a common thing.
  8. It did feel like all those long drawn out speeches McDaniel's players were bored with were probably because of Hard Knocks.
  9. Why the hell did the #2 seed get put in a position to have 1 day less rest from the start anyway?
  10. What did they run really well as they didn't get the ball? I mean if they're a Dolphins fan, past experience I mean they've done consistently the last several years, hell look it up and an article from 2015 pops up. https://www.foxsports.com/stories/nfl/why-do-the-miami-dolphins-collapse-late-in-the-season In that game the Cowboys scored more TDs than the Dolphins, that's how bad that win was.
  11. Technically they got the exact same score against their starters. But that involved multiple Lamar turnovers and also a safety.
  12. Saw somewhere someone say they made a mistake and the "a" in "Champs" was supposed to be a "u".
  13. Trouble is as far as I know from what people have posted over the seasons, it's real hard to know what this thing was going to look like until we got closer.
  14. If they were going to do that they would have had to have decided it way earlier in the week.
  15. Wow how incompetent are they that they have to live in a place they feel that strongly about.
  16. The original tweet that one ended up being within the conversation of repies of was making fun of the Bills for the OT loss to the Eagles from a Dolphins internet personality. So pretty much in line with the tone of the whole thing.
  17. Bills turning things around was the tough part of that prediction. Dolphins late season collapse is like clockwork.
  18. He's traded his Dolphins hat for a Chiefs one.
  19. I think so and it might be true, I remember him having some nice long ones off some pretty egregious holds earlier in the year.
  20. If we lose to the Steelers it's going to suck no matter what, and we won't be able to really enjoy the Dolphins incredible ineptitude as much then. So we've got a nice day, then we go out and earn the rest of the week.
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