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Everything posted by Warcodered

  1. This is really annoying, it doesn't make any sense to create a system to incentivize the promoting and developing of minority coaches with comp picks only to have it also effect the system used for comp picks that's supposed to help balance things from teams losing good players in FA. Why have those interconnected?
  2. 70 out of 10 of thousands I'd say it's more that despite the terrible conditions being known there were always going to be people that weren't adequately prepared for the conditions. Hell even we celebrate Fitzpatrick going to that freezing Patriots playoff game and having his shirt off, fans can be kind of dumb.
  3. Clearly you were the glue holding things together.
  4. For all the people happy about them losing a guy they spent money keeping for his Special Teams play, I'm not sure him taking a step back in said Special Teams play isn't a big reason why he's getting the axe. I'm not really sure, but I haven't really noticed him as a gunner as much this last season, and you usually can.
  5. I get what you mean, but I hope to see him batting clean up.
  6. The prodigal son returns, quick hide the creepy shrine.
  7. Do they come with their own 49ers O-line, weapons and system included? because sign me up. Purdy was better than the system QB label he keeps getting stuck with as he's played as well as he has but the idea he'd just fit here is a little over the top.
  8. So neither of them are going to be here?
  9. He was starting to look for the ball instead of peoples heads towards the end of the season, could have something there.
  10. If Josh finishes his offseason work on telekinesis then this won't be a problem at all.
  11. Hard to rate Haack he had a good previous season, struggled for a period last season then came on strong to finish. 🤷‍♂️ Wouldn't hate competition.
  12. Also people shouldn't sleep on Alec Anderson there, wouldn't be the most surprising if him or a rookie battle it out for the spot and McGovern continues to cement the LG spot.
  13. Alec Anderson and Edwards there's our solid interior O-line depth.
  14. Not for nothing but keeping Wilson another year wouldn't that kick the cap hit another year down the road? and as for the trade, who's trading for that contract? Not really getting into the whole Sean vs. Sean thing, just not sure there were such easy alternatives.
  15. You don't lose you're starting LT unless you have a plan to have a starting LT, Dawkins was great last year, this is dumb and everyone was talking about the Chiefs having to play an away game in the Playoffs not just Dawkins and his remarks weren't *****.
  16. I liked Bates but this makes way too much sense when I think about it, there's a guy competing with him pretty close to his spot that's younger that could develop that costs less. We've got the two starting guards figured out finally, so getting a pick and cutting cap, love the guy but it is what it is.
  17. Well it is played in the Fall and Winter.
  18. Went back to look it up.
  19. Pretty bad is a bit of an understatement the number of picks and cap hit they've taken from this whole thing probably put it as a contender for worst one of all time.
  20. But he was cooking so well.
  21. That'll really help Trump with the appeal he can't afford to have.
  22. This idea is right behind that tweet about trading Josh Allen to the Bears. Healthy Bernard and Milano feels like something that should inspire fear in teams come next season they were starting to look scary good.
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