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Everything posted by Warcodered

  1. The WR was further down the field on the move and the ball would have been coming down.
  2. He just does things man when has it in his hands.
  3. Dorian Willams needs the Remember the Titans speech.
  4. I didn't pay attention to who it was but it sounded like he was the one who got to him at the end of the game and just let him go, like he was too small a fish to keep, and the play went on for an incomplete pass and weak helmet hit penalty on Ed.
  5. Yeah seeing what the Stadium looked like before and seeing how full it was, that was impressive.
  6. His freaky terrible turnover luck in the regular season almost reared its ugly head with a ridiculous play by a Steelers defender but it was too high and safely ended up on the grass. Probably should have been a TD.
  7. There's no way Josh was ever not going to give that to Shakir, he's been programmed in all those practice interviews with his dad when he was a kid, he always knows what he's supposed to say. Yeah 38 is going to be seeing that in his nightmares.
  8. Von is going to have an embarrassing film session. "So here we see the QB right in your hands, just right there and then you just kind of let him go for some reason."
  9. People trying to say Josh faked a slide are ridiculous, Josh was a baseball player he slides great he'd never pull up like that, that was him changing directions because of defender then realizing he didn't ***** have too.
  10. He's just mad because Josh went out for milk again.
  11. If there was an excuse it'd be our defense dying in week 5 and in the Wildcard round, but ***** that let's kick their ass again, just find a ***** way.
  12. McDermott I guess for glueing a shattering vase of a Defense together and holding it together for as long as he can. DK bros.
  13. Josh Allen was a ***** Dragon.
  14. That sucks, is it Bass or his holder with holder with a pulled ham string? At least they had to start with pretty bad field position.
  15. Safe play on 3rd down made since, getting it to the 2-minute warning and kicking a FG to go up 3 scores just makes too much sense.
  16. I get the idea, though sometimes I think if they've been forced to go on 4th down quickly after failing on 3rd down it can be in our benefit because they've been out of sync. But it worked.
  17. We have to get the ball in Shakir's hands more he's just dangerous with it.
  18. Best thing about that going up by 2 TDs again. 2nd best thing burning so much clock doing it.
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