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Everything posted by Warcodered

  1. Um yeah that absolutely makes a difference, good coverage forces the QB to hang on to the ball and gives the pass rush time to effect the passer. They both work together.
  2. Diggs failing to follow proper ruse procedures.
  3. I know he chose to skip his vacation to come back, but the whole off the couch narrative seems a little excessive to me. The guy has basically been with the team the whole season.
  4. So he's probably not the one we turn to for the big man passing TD right now?
  5. Tough thing for the Steelers is what they need is a new franchise QB but Tomlin always gets that team to compete at a level that never puts them in range to get one. The GM needs to get creative on finding a way to get in position for that.
  6. Peppa preparing to do what is necessary.
  7. Is this a regular season statistic or are they like many Bills fans blocking out the memory of the 13 seconds game out of the pain of what should have happened.
  8. I have no idea why he's only ever thrown one in the Playoffs.
  9. Dawkins didn't really say anything besides that they've never played in Buffalo with fans in the stands which is true and is a huge thing or teams wouldn't care so much about home field advantage all season. Yeah it is really frustrating the defense we could have without these injuries and the position we're in this post season.
  10. As terrifying as a 100% kill rate sounds unless it incubates for a long ass time or something it kind of kills itself.
  11. I mean Jackson Mahomes is absolutely someone you could see accidentally falling in a pit high on something covered in feces.
  12. and we're just going to ignore any other thing that may have also happened in that playoff run.
  13. When a comedian tweets something like that it's on people to use a couple brain cells and figure it out.
  14. Pretty sure a fan fell in way earlier in the season didn't they, not saying we didn't win that game. Are we sure it wouldn't spit him back out?
  15. I don't know why but the preview yesterday implied a double doot on Josh's TD run but they cut that part out on the full video.
  16. A dance battle is truly the only way this can end.
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