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Everything posted by Warcodered

  1. Then what Josh would have gone "Coach are you a ***** idiot?" Yeah maybe it works out that way but you take a TD when you can get it, you're in the redzone against one of the best defenses in the NFL you'd have to be high not to.
  2. I remember hearing how ***** their visiting locker room was during the lightning delay game, he can ***** off. Visiting locker rooms are universally terrible and why is it not surprising the Chiefs have no class even when they win.
  3. Got to love how Diggs has been a great teammate all season but because his production has been down from what seems likely a persisting injury it's LOCKER ROOM CANCER! everywhere.
  4. It's this bizzarro world of both blaming Allen and assuming well of course he'll score the TD he's Josh Allen, pick a ***** lane.
  5. But he was okay I guess, because we'll only look at how people will look at the game historically, you know because why would we even care about what we actually saw.
  6. Mahomes didn't do it last night, had the chance to get a 2 score lead and put the game away in the 4th and he takes his team nowhere and has to punt leaving nearly the perfect amount of time for Buffalo to grind out the clock on a long drive.
  7. I like how the narrative has suddenly changed from not wide open, he was, NFL open to tight window, soon it's going to be dangerous throw, and eventually can't believe it wasn't a pick.
  8. The real frustration comes next week when they return to form, just like after 13 seconds and Mahomes threw a game losing pick in OT.
  9. That's just ***** mindboggling to me, the decision to throw the pass to the open WR in the endzone to take the lead past the 2 minute warning in the game is bad. Like the ***** are they talking about, one it's obviously the play call, two what does Josh have to ***** levitate the whole game and shoot lasers from his eyes or some *****, what kind of impossible standard is he being held to. It's not the wrong decision the entire premise of it being wrong is ridiculous and only exists because they're going eh it's Josh Allen he'll still get it in anyway he should just take a specific amount of clock off and do it at a prescribed time, and that's ***** ridiculous. Are we sure those weren't the dropped deep balls.
  10. Thinking about it last night I think the injury situation doubly impacted McDermott both in a way he couldn't really help and in a way he definitely needed to be better in. Your teams injured so the scheme you're trying to run doesn't work like you want it sucks but it is what it is. Problem was it got in the way of something McDermott has been doing really well most of the season and especially on this late season run. He's been doing a great job adjusting in game when the offense is getting the better of his scheme and finding a way to shut things down. This time though McDermott got stuck trying to find a way to get his original scheme to work with the broken pieces he had to work for way too long. He needed to move on and adjust much quicker, he seemingly did towards the end, and it was more effective, Mahomes still got things done I mean it's Mahomes, but we actually got a stop. At least that's what it felt like.
  11. This feels dumb and pointless, getting some of our guys back like Benford and we'd have a shot of course.
  12. That's a product of how our offense was functioning, we were running well and they were taking away any kind of deep passing game, so we slowly marched down the field and scored. So we took up a ton of time when we had the ball, they on the other hand did not.
  13. So would we consider this thread a prediction or a curse?
  14. Having unfortunately heard these from Allen a few times before it kind of sounds different. Honestly he sounds angry, might be an interesting offseason into the next season, you can look at that positively or negatively I guess if you want but I wouldn't worry.
  15. It was aggravating for sure, but at least in those ones Mahomes had to do some ridiculous ***** himself.
  16. It absolutely was, Mahomes didn't look like it was hard most of the night.
  17. and even when they're there and the ball is perfect he can't make them catch the damn ball.
  18. bull#### Josh played better than him all night.
  19. Yeah you know what the defense does after getting run on all of the first half, they creep up, and that's when you hit them deep to both capitalize on it and make them honest.
  20. Yeah I get it, but I don't know why you'd bother saying that right now, it's like hey at least we lose well. I mean you know what happens next right, the Chiefs return to normal next week dropping passes playing like ***** and get the doors blown off them by the Ravens, just like with the Bengals after 13 seconds, just so we can think why'd they even bother winning.
  21. and what's lost in these short passes is some of the ridiculous ***** he did on some of them. Like I said on the postgame thread I was gutted because Josh played better and meant it. Josh had to work his ass off to do what he did, and it felt like Mahomes was just like oh it's nice that this defense is crippled this game for almost the entire game.
  22. Rapp is an interesting conundrum, he finally started looking for the ball, that could really change how I see him as a player.
  23. Shakir, Kincaid, Cook, and a Rookie/whoever/whatever we're bringing in it damn well better be something, along with Brady having a full offseason as the OC, which I'm assuming is obviously going to happen unless he somehow gets a HC job in some ridiculous fashion, could really make this offense something to see next season. Especially with this O-line doing so well and having some continuity.
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