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Everything posted by Warcodered

  1. His kicks tend to have a bit of an arc I think.
  2. Oh so you're talking about the one where he talked about being frustrated about not practicing and wanting to get back in the lab soon, that's the one where you thought he was okay with this?
  3. Yep that was me, let's look at totally chill Allen again.
  4. So Gabe is likely out the door that's a massive hole, maybe you can say he was ineffective this year but you don't plan for your #2 WR to be invisible, Shakir is moving on up but we're also likely moving on from guys like Harty and Sherfield. There's a need for WR this offseason and ones that actually contribute to the offense, you have Josh Allen for God's sake.
  5. The Air Raid needs WR to be able to attack downfield? 🤔
  6. Brady did what worked and that was the run game a lot of the time, why because for the longest time we've murdered teams with the intermediate passing game and they don't want to let us do that to them anymore plus Diggs was clearly dealing with something, and we did not have a serious #2 to force the issue.
  7. People are desperate for a different outcome so they're attaching themselves to a different open WR when really no sane person would say Josh chose wrong. Really think about it, if he had chosen that even if we got the first maybe things play out no TD kick the FG, we miss it Josh is killed for not throwing that TD that was open, we make the FG closer but there's time and Mahomes gets in range and they take the lead with a FG and we lose Josh is killed for not throwing that TD, same thing with the FG but we go to OT things play out however they do and we don't win and Josh is killed for not throwing that TD. There is no winning scenario there unless we win that's all this is.
  8. Don't remember this first one as well mostly because I've tried to erase that moment from my mind. Second one was in particularly hilarious fashion, they took a good lead in the first half proceeded to not score any points in the second I believe allowing the Bengals to tie and go into OT, oh the horror another coin flip game after the last is it another classic. Mahomes gets the ball again how can he keep getting away with all this luck, oh he threw a pick 13 seconds in. 😭 Yeah I don't give a ***** what any of these people say anymore, the fact that they can spew ***** like this after that game makes their opinions completely meaningless. They just want to hate on him to farm our clicks and I have no interest in being their ***** pigeon. The two best players in football went at it again and the game didn't disappoint fans without an interest in the outcome. Only one of them had to play at his best but they still both played great football.
  9. It is interesting with the idea to promote him to DC, I think the D-Line coach is also the assistant coach, so you'd think he's technically the guy next in line. But you can't really deny how effective Babich has been.
  10. Ty Johnson was a good RB 2 and is way younger. We're obviously not firing McDermott, the OC barring him getting hired as a HC somewhere will be Brady, as to DC don't see Vrabel wanting to move backwards. Honestly for DC I didn't really hate McDermott doing it once he had someone competent calling them opposite him taking the pressure off, but I wouldn't be surprised if someone moved into that role this offseason.
  11. I have to think one of the biggest things that stood out in that game was those deep shots that were perfect and just bounced off the WR's hands, if that doesn't tell Beane to do something about it nothing will. Defense was definitely maybe a bigger overall problem but it was also a fluke problem, it was ridiculous how many of our key defenders went down this year and then went down right at a critical moment of the season.
  12. Fewer and fewer spectators watch it every year though such a shame.
  13. I really thought it would be worse, my immediate thought was that I'd be avoiding this place for a while.
  14. Best guess from me would be to just give it some time, all the hurt is fresh, best not to make any set decision immediately following a loss. I know I'm going to be tuning out football as much as I can until it gets to the things that matter for the Bills again.
  15. In person I doubt this kind of crap happens, I remember seeing video of when the Bills came back from losing the Super Bowl and the fans cheered for Norwood and that's really kind of a special moment in and of itself, but you better believe it would have been awful if twitter existed back then.
  16. and our starting O-line is actually somewhat stable, though we shouldn't be stagnant.
  17. That really depends on how the entire free agency plays out right, we have to lose, guys have to get paid more, than we gain, the amount we pay guys, at least I think I don't really know.
  18. Definitely, I think maybe a big part of that is how the way he's leading the team has changed over this season.
  19. I'm not a guy that does any of this stuff but I looked at highlights of him and Leggette and does Franklin maybe body catch balls a bit?
  20. Not missing wide open targets will do that. Being fair to Mahomes he did play good, and he has no control over the level of difficulty and he wouldn't increase it even if he did, but it was easier and when they did get pressure on him and start to make things harder on his last series that could have won them the game he didn't get it done. 🤷‍♂️ No ones going to care in the end, Josh went against a hell of a defense and was a freak all game.
  21. But the starting O-Line is intact, and that's the job if it was easy everyone would be a wizard.
  22. I like his number. Also damn he looks good and plays physical.
  23. Beane watched that game and the ball bouncing off the hands of those WRs on those deep shots. Not a chance in hell he isn't addressing this.
  24. Considering the year he's had I'd say Free Agency is going to test Gabe.
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