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Everything posted by Warcodered

  1. Just like how Leslie Frasier wanted a break.
  2. Kincaid is a great weapon that needs to be used more in the offense, but he's never going to be fast enough to fill that other hole we have on offense we need another guy.
  3. It's really a ridiculous thing Miami is asking defensive coordinators, hey all we ask is that you stop Josh Allen. Have you tried in his sleep with a bat, because what else are you going to ***** do. Hell Fangio pretty much lucked into the best he could do with some of that ridiculous turnover luck in the last matchup but if the offense doesn't do ***** it doesn't matter.
  4. Josh Allen like the Grim Reaper of Miami defensive coordinators.
  5. I don't know it's highlights but there plenty of them where he had separation I think.
  6. I mean it's highlights but he definitely seemed really good in them, not sure about the competition he was up against though.
  7. It doesn't matter the GM is never going to have the authority to fire the HC without ownership signing off on it, the question is pointless.
  8. He literally didn't do anything Josh didn't do in that game the only difference was one of the times Allen got his kicker in FG position his missed.
  9. That's not really that good a question, it's really obvious, no GM can fire the HC, it's always an ownership decision.
  10. The entire active roster collectively flipped this man the bird, he comes back to piss on the ashes of a heartbreaking loss and people are on hear saying well maybe he's got the Bills best interest at heart.....***** really?
  11. Broncos and Jags are the only teams that won the week after beating the Bills this season. No team did it in 2022.
  12. You never quit working on your O-line maybe the guys you get don't always replace the starters right away, but if they replace the back ups and can develop behind them great. That's how you maintain continuity and can keep affording a good one. I don't know the way Diggs started off the season, plus I'd assume Beane has a much better idea of what Diggs was dealing with down the stretch of the season, I'm not just going to write him off yet.
  13. Frazier had also been a HC and failed and is much older, a young guy with a great track record as a position coach would be able to get a shot somewhere, and worse case he can move on either way he'd get experience as a DC with great DC experience to draw from the HC.
  14. I mean they didn't, D-line didn't get pressure, McDermott got stuck trying to make his scheme work with the broken pieces too long instead of adjusting like he had been doing this season. When he finally did it was more effective, It's still Mahomes, but too little too late.
  15. Yeah I mean he just was the safeties coach around the time two journeymen DBs developed into one of the best safety duos in the league and then was moved over into the LBer coach right as Bernard suddenly develops into a stud MLB and our depth somehow manages to hold up despite losing an All Pro in Milano early in the season. But I mean what could they possibly be thinking.
  16. Yeah the guy has a dominating way of playing on the field from what it looks like in those highlights, but it makes me worry he's going to rise out of our range. But if he's there, hell yes.
  17. So to be clear this was in Kansas City in the last game of the regular season, nothing to do with Buffalo. You know since the title says after game, but it's actually after the game three weeks ago.
  18. Even if that is the case, I'm not sure why you're mad at McDermott saying he fired him, there's no way in hell he's putting that out there, it's an awful look for Dorsey and the team, and the players probably don't want to put that on Dorsey either.
  19. Honestly yeah, as much as all this hurts, back against the wall at 6-6 McDermott, Allen, and Brady took the team on a hell of a run to make it to that point under 2 minutes with a shot to get into the AFC Championship game. I don't particularly want to throw away what they've got going for them in terms of leading the team and finding a way to win no matter which way it is.
  20. He could but if he's offered the OC job here I don't know why he would.
  21. Well if nothing else Davis played into a cheaper deal, who knows maybe if he does end up here it's an Ed Oliver situation. But we sure as hell have to still get a WR2.
  22. People are real quick to just impulsively say he doesn't have it anymore, but there were clear signs down the stretch he was dealing with injury while still being the guy teams clamped down on and just beat the ***** out of when they hit him. First half of the season he was ridiculous and it was getting to the point where we thought Dorsey had a serious problem of only drawing up plays for him. I don't know why wouldn't think he couldn't get healthy and still be a serious threat especially with a better OC and if they actually address WR this offseason.
  23. If so they had to be pissed at how the Chiefs ridiculous luck continued to play out, I mean Bills manage to get the 2nd seed and a weak Steelers team great, but then they have the game delayed so the Chiefs get a two day rest advantage, hey league if you cared that much maybe plan on the 2nd seed playing before the 3rd seed, then in the game the already busted up defense takes even more injuries to there LB core. Not trying to make excuses but the Chiefs have a ***** horseshoe shoved up their ass. Funny thing is just like the last two years I'm betting one of the networks is going to buy the exclusive rights to the regular season rematch, so what should be a primetime game will be on at like 4.
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