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Everything posted by Warcodered

  1. Prepare to be disappointed because he's not even on the short list for OPY.
  2. Yeah we watched the Offense grind to a halt with Dorsey, it was getting ridiculously aggravating we got to the point where we were begging them to just go 2-minute no huddle just let Josh do it because that was the only thing that ever worked. Brady took over and things started to move again.
  3. Well all the Divisions would still be equal technically in that the winner gets a Playoff spot still and it's the same Playoff system best record best seed, the balance comes from the weaker teams getting moved into weaker divisions and then playing each other and the better teams playing each other as well.
  4. Yeah people keep saying McDermott wants to run all the time because he was always talking about needing to run better, because we needed to be able to run better for such a long time.
  5. Tom was going to get his shot nothing was going to stop that, Greg doing well should hopefully help him down the road.
  6. It's not impossible, please God, Purdy can run that offense well and it's going to be in a dome and the 49ers have a solid defense against a still suspect Chiefs Offense that performed as such against another good defense with the Ravens. They have the ingredients to do it but if I actually watch the game I'd probably be dry heaving the whole way.
  7. Well it's never going to happen, in that there has to be playoffs that's money and the league is not eliminating money no way no how. Honestly all of this is obviously never going to happen you're never going to get the kind of votes you'd need from ownership. As a fun exercise the idea of an end of the season reshuffle is kind of interesting putting the bad teams together in divisions and the good teams together as well, really force some balance and competition. With something like that I guess there's a lot of tiers of things you're competing for each year. Competing to be in the top division, to win the division, win in the playoffs and win the Super Bowl. But it's all a lot of craziness.
  8. I have no idea what this is and I'm guessing it's dumb, obviously just beat him it's not impossible it's in fact happened multiple times already. I mean what ridiculous suggestion is there to have the Chiefs alternate conferences every year? I think I'd rather die than cede this kind of self defeatist attitude to them.
  9. Well Patrick Queen sounds like he's dying inside. So the fate of me not wanting to put my head in the oven rests on Mr. Irrelevant.
  10. I'm so sorry, I hope you can find your way to some better days.
  11. Can't wait when he goes WR and next draft where it's some other offensive position it seems we need and we hear the exact same BS from people.
  12. He should, but he'll probably just be at the award show and just make the whole thing kind of awkward when they give it to Lamar.
  13. Definitely feel like he earned getting the nod and do feel some excitement seeing him get a full offseason at the job and hopefully with some more downfield weapons. Would have liked a more through search just so the team could have gotten a better look at offensive minds coming up around the league, but I could see how if Brady was their guy they might have needed to get it done with other teams willing to give him an OC job.
  14. As dumb as this whole debate always was, looks even dumber today.
  15. Why in the world are Lions fans mad at Cambell he's taken that team that was literally bottom of the NFL all the way to a conference championship in the few years he's been there.
  16. Well we're living in the dark timeline for certain.
  17. I have him on the injury report for let me see here "hands petrification" whatever that is.
  18. Didn't watch this game, but from the sounds of it, it went about how I was worried it could go. Chiefs offense is limited and the Ravens defense is good and given the scoreboard doesn't sound like that was refuted. The problem was maybe the Ravens defense can contain Mahomes and the Chiefs most of the game. But I also know the Chiefs have a good defense and Lamar can be game planned for, we know this because our team has done it 3 times already to 2-1 record where the one loss was by an incomplete pass in the endzone in 2019 when Allen was still getting better and so was the offense around him. So if the Ravens defense can contain and limit the Chiefs offense and the Chiefs defense can do the same to Lamar then who between Jackson and Mahomes do you think can put their team on their back and finds a way to win and who do you think collapses under the pressure.
  19. Pretty sure that was Mahomes and KC turning it off.
  20. Oh yeah I guess they did lose, I guess for some reason I was getting them getting there instead of winning it mixed up in my head or something.
  21. It absolutely does mean something, maybe he could find a way to do it, but it would limit everything else he could do.
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