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Everything posted by Warcodered

  1. I get where that comes from with how things always went with Frasier, but it's a different situation with Babich. Frasier had already failed as a Head Coach and is pretty old like if he was a HC now he'd be the second oldest HC behind only Andy Reid who is only 1 year older than him. At a time when offensive HCs were heavily favored that's an uphill climb. Babich much younger guy doesn't have that past failure on him, came up in an organization seeing first hand how to build a winning culture. I'm sure if the defense continues to play well he'll get his shot, and if nothing else it's a great launching platform to go somewhere else to prove it and get his shot still if he has too.
  2. I think some senior citizen got confused and wandered on to the Buccaneers and won it at a much older age than even 31.
  3. Why would they go from one old coach retiring to hiring one that could retire in like a season.
  4. He's just disappointed because he wanted his team to hire him.
  5. Just a 13 second interview on the phone.
  6. McDermott was doing a pretty good job play calling once he had competent play calling on the other side to take the pressure off of both his duties. However it works out it's a good situation for Babich to develop as a defensive play caller. Technically his dad had Milano he retired seemingly to let his son to keep taking a bigger role, he's 62 maybe he could come back as the LB coach?
  7. I like Babich getting a shot at DC the guy has more than earned it, also love keeping him with the team hope he still is able to bring young guys along even in this role.
  8. Waiting for the right shot maybe wouldn't be a bad decision.
  9. Yeah a Bills-Lions Super Bowl would have drawn a lot of interest, Chiefs-49er who really ***** cares.
  10. and here I was thinking this was going to be some sort of Monsters Inc. renewable energy fueled by hate theory or something. That's only a worst case scenario positive outlook, a lot more terrible things have to happen before we reach that point.
  11. Kiper might get plenty of things wrong, but I do love when he so nicely expresses the BS with the Josh Allen shade.
  12. Do we get one of those paper crowns from Burger King?
  13. It's tough to judge McDermott's defense in the Playoffs when it died in London, managed to find sparks going down the stretch through the season then got snuffed out right before we needed them most against the Chiefs. It did feel, and I say that because that's pretty much the limit of my understanding, that McDermott got stuck too long trying to get his scheme for the game to work with the broken pieces he had instead of adjusting to how things were working like he'd been doing a better job of down the stretch. Seemed like he might have finally done that more towards the end, but we ended up being ***** out of luck, plus it's Mahomes he's going to find a way sometimes.
  14. Not for nothing but this goes both ways, McDermott and company know Frasier's coaching style and defensive mind probably better than anyone. Another low hanging fruit Interview 1st Question: How will you stop Josh Allen? Frasier: All I need is 13 seconds.
  15. Whelp obvios joke. Frasier: Nobody is better at stopping Playoff Fire God Josh Allen than me.
  16. and the first 2018 QB to make it to the Super Bowl is: The Jets have to be so excited.
  17. I've said in other threads, unless we still get the TD or win the game some other way that throw would always be used against Allen if he didn't throw it. It's all wish fulfillment of what could have been, we didn't get the result we wanted but what if we'd done something different here. It's ridiculous.
  18. I mean it was only a few yards shorter than one the KC kicker made earlier in the game as an away team. 🤷‍♂️
  19. Somebody did the math and it really wasn't that many, he runs from further away more than people think, either way take away all of Josh's rushing TDs and he still has as many passing TDs as Lamar had total TDs in the regular season.
  20. I figured it was mostly skill position players, which it probably is, but really Lamar is on the list for OPY, I can't even fathom how they figured that made sense. Like MVP you roll your eyes and figure it's QB and his teams record so they just pretended he led them to it but you'd think OPY would require actual offense.
  21. Those are the kind of plays that made me disagree last season when people said he was only a game manager. The comparison with Allen, Mahomes, and eh Jackson is much but he's good and can make plays when things break down.
  22. Bills have traditional lived in the intermediate game, oddly enough under this same coach, defenses have weirdly enough decided defend that area and we don't have the WR2 to force the issue.
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