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Everything posted by Warcodered

  1. He dropped grabbing his leg might be a non-contact injury.
  2. Seriously multiple OT in these games the Broncos are making the league look at their mistakes.
  3. These Denver OT games are conflicting for me, on the one hand neither of these teams deserve to win, but on the other if they score this ***** game is over.
  4. In a rare special penalty both teams are disqualified from winning, everybody can go home from this terrible ***** game.
  5. He did he took it at 1 second.
  6. Hailmary or OT, he's an idiot.
  7. I just need one or two of them to get a damn win against the Chiefs.
  8. Your right, that's great. 🤣 It's also great that they're pretty much tied for last.
  9. None of these AFC West teams are reliable to unseat the Chiefs, I just hope one of them can find a win against them.
  10. weren't they supposed to be getting better at those incidental contact roughing calls this season, like wasn't that a goal this year?
  11. That moonshot throw of Wilson's dropped like a rock on that one.
  12. Doesn't he have like bruised or glass ribs right now?
  13. Is the Broncos' offense contagious?
  14. That's one way to phrase it, another is you're going to see if a man can manage to put down a lame horse or choke himself to death.
  15. That ownership will ***** it up. Aren't your Dolphins in last place?
  16. I swear if they get their renderings first I'm going to burn this ***** to the ground.
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