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Everything posted by Warcodered

  1. I mean seriously you have a 7pt lead and can get an 8pt lead with the extra point and you go for 2?
  2. look at that rushing more than 3 worked.
  3. Yeah he looked like he was in serious pain.
  4. 3 man rush...are you ***** kidding. Let's just give Mahomes time what a great plan.
  5. Which is fitting, today the Raiders were great at almost winning.
  6. Oh he didn't leave the team after the first quarter/half?
  7. Was that a block or was that guard showing the rusher to his table?
  8. Carr going in the exact wrong direction.
  9. Wait they can call Offensive Pass Interference? But then how did Kelce score twice?
  10. They were already salty that they weren't being allowed their normal PI allotment.
  11. Yeah, he changed focus and it cost him, that one arm didn't do much of anything.
  12. But he used one arm to some how meaningfully stop that, even though it was basically fully extended by the time he already landed on him.
  13. So Chris Jones while moving with speed and hitting Carr and going to the ground on top of him caught his full weight with one arm?
  14. It's not a crap rule, no team wants a 400lb DT landing on their 100 Million+ QB.
  15. You're not supposed to land with your full weight on the QB in a sack, it's the rule.
  16. He did just land on him with his full weight which he isn't supposed to do.
  17. Couldn't see it well either but it seemed like Raiders defenders were running into each other.
  18. Chiefs get the ball next half, makes sense to try and drive the field use up the clock and score without leaving them any time to double dip.
  19. That play was stupid, like everyone thought, "hey we've got a bunch of yards to play with lets just carry this guy while trying to get the ball."
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