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Everything posted by Warcodered

  1. I'm still waiting on the ***** replay of that TD return. I mean it was such a pivotal moment and yet let's swiftly move on to something else.
  2. Budda Baker had to have had a "You've got to be ***** kidding me." moment when Allen came up in front of him with all that space to the endzone.
  3. It did certainly feel like the refs wanted it at times.
  4. With all the new moving pieces, honestly I'll take that as a nice figure it out game we came out with a win.
  5. For such an amazing play they've weirdly not shown the replay of the return. 🤔
  6. Right it didn't even look subtle.
  7. Well that's about as blatant a block in the back as I've ever seen.
  8. Poor Budda Baker had to be so pissed when he saw Josh get that shark like look in his eyes seeing all that space between them and then the hurdle to put the cherry on top. Can't put a guy in that position.
  9. I'm torn there, when the WR/TE indicates the ball is coming like happened their I don't really mind the DB putting himself in the way like that.
  10. Never compete with Kalil Shakir in a game of Twister.
  11. Groot is a strong as hell tree man.
  12. and we get the ball to start the half.
  13. Was it a weak roughing call, sure, but you're still not allowed to hit the QB on the head at all really.
  14. Perhaps they're taking it personal how terribly they called that first penalty and all the complaints they got.
  15. On a molecular level they're all Edmunds threads.
  16. So an aging WR and DB and a QB who's not really got it and made if glass.......what could go wrong.
  17. Lamar hate is born off irrational Lamar hype. Being honest he's generally been a decent to good QB, if he improved as a thrower he could be great.
  18. I mean the entire point is to make these predictions before the season has started, the prediction loses a bit of the magic if you wait a few weeks to know what you have first.
  19. Also the guy gameplanning throughout out the week before he gets all the input on what parts his players liked the most.
  20. Yeah a key aspect of society is to raise children into functioning members of said society when it doesn't do that then it did fail them. No one is absolving them of guilt, they still committed crimes and have to go through the process of punishment/reform to rejoin society. But this isn't a groundbreaking concept, taking young adults committing crimes and just saying well they're just bad is just lazy and accomplishes nothing.
  21. This is dumb, wondering how we failed as a society that a 17 year old kid ended up with a gun trying to rob somebody and ended up shooting them and himself, is not a bad thing to try and assess. Also as another thing to mention, not victim blaming, obviously person committing crime caused bad thing to happen, but when someone threatens you with a gun or knife for your money or watch/jewelry, just give them your *****. Getting shot or stabbed is not worth your stuff, you should not go after the weapon unless you really think they're going to use it anyway.
  22. Letting legal procedures or investigating themselves makes a certain amount of sense, after all you shouldn't just convict someone off bad public opinion. This case just doesn't fall into that category, I mean the guy has at points apologized for doing it. However the legal process plays out there's clearly a suspension level offense the League should know they need to deal with.
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