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Everything posted by Warcodered

  1. Because I'm not taking a guy who has an eye on his diagnosis and eye on the spread seriously.
  2. I mean it was in the language of the part of the state constitution they amended, kind of hard to get around that. 🤷‍♂️
  3. This feels kind of contradictory, maybe it makes you feel better about it I guess. Generally if we're trying to figure out what the law should be, kind of need to keep feelings and religion out of it and scientifically define when you assign personhood to someone and yes include medical exemptions.
  4. I mean while she's an embarrassment, Kevin Costner did act and direct Dances with Wolves. 🤷‍♂️
  5. I can understand being upset about the results of an election, but if you're someone trying to be a government official, elected or not, you should damn well have something to back that up when you say stuff like that.
  6. Wouldn't mind congress getting split if it meant people calmed down and actually started working together to keep things functioning like they're supposed to.
  7. Maybe if they worked together and actually did things, here lately they usually just don't do *****.
  8. It feels unprofessional in mainstream news for sure, feels more acceptable in sports though that's entertainment.
  9. I think it became like that through twitter being this social space where they didn't have to be there "news selves" but now that how we get our news has changed and twitter is a part of it they still haven't course corrected very well in the new environment.
  10. So yeah this is a great example of what she was talking about. It's not that ***** complicated.
  11. McRib is still out right now they're busy pretending like it's going away forever again this month.
  12. He's doing so well that I'm a little worried we're a little target locked on him right now.
  13. I'd hazard a guess that she's saying that they are very wary/anti communist so the misinformation of labeling anything one side doesn't like as socialism/communism has had effect with them.
  14. Finally some stadium renderings, seems a little long though.
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