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Everything posted by Warcodered

  1. It may be true that his intent wasn't homophobic even if the phrase clearly is. Makes me think of how it was back middle school when everyone would use the word "gay" as a negative, even if we weren't trying necessarily to be negative toward people in that group it still was. Also still a bad way of handling this and another great example of why players have agents.
  2. A phrase I have missed is "Touchdown John Brown!"
  3. Not saying he's right or telling the truth, but we do hear some ***** up stories about airlines all the time.
  4. Every time one of these WRs drop a pass you can just see it in Rodgers eyes. "These *****!!"
  5. The Chiefs should really run it when they're in the redzone I guess. 🤷‍♂️
  6. This one feels like it's destined for a tie, which is great because I don't like either of these teams right now. Well damn.
  7. If the same reversal of fortunes happens for him he'd be a levitating football god.
  8. We play them this week, so this is a nice cursed thread to make thanks.
  9. How would fewer players be injured if it were a 16 game season? We're not even 16 weeks in.
  10. Jefferson had two of his more important catches against us off of defenders helmet or hands, and we literally should have won without that safety, that kind of stuff is ridiculous.
  11. That was an interesting strategy Mac, throwing it into the middle of the field with no timeouts.
  12. I mean passing the ball worked pretty well back when they needed to score, but completely changing what's been working is probably a great idea.
  13. He got up like he could sense the echo of a thousand memes suddenly shouted into the night.
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