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Everything posted by Warcodered

  1. Had a bit more of a spider sense on that one than I thought he had.
  2. I get that it's a similar style of story, but maybe let the rookie play out a season or so before you talk as if he's an established guy.
  3. On one series he basically wrecked the play on every down.
  4. Didn't have a good sense of urgency on that one.
  5. If only we played so aggressive that the opposing QB had to leave after the game in an ambulance or something.....
  6. Looks like it might not be both down, might be too close to overturn though.
  7. Doesn't look like it, though it might be awfully hard to tell.
  8. Tua almost threw too catchable a ball there.
  9. unfortunately we had a real bad win...wait let me double check.....huh I guess we did win.
  10. Right apparently nobody has slowed down the Dolphins offense, and by nobody they aren't forgetting the only good defenses they've played against.
  11. Man if the Bills don't win the Super Bowl in convincing fashion it's going to feel terrible, might not even be worth it. 🙄
  12. Along with beating the division leaders of the AFC and one of the wild card teams, we've also played all those teams along with another AFC Wild card team and a Division leader in the NFC. Our schedule this year is ***** tough.
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