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Everything posted by Warcodered

  1. The NFC South it doesn't matter if you suck, because everybody else does too.
  2. Proof that we live in a dystopian hellscape
  3. Trailer for a movie I guess, it looked awful.
  4. That's fair, more of a general thing I feel with how they play down to their oponents.
  5. This season has been all about Tom breaking his dominance records in increasingly sad ways.
  6. I swear they do that every season, take a nap all game if they're not playing an exciting team then wake up mid game like "Oh *****." and find a way to win.
  7. Patriots look like they're about to be at .500 again after this week.
  8. It's not a trap game when winning the game wins the division.
  9. Want to see the Patriots miss the Playoffs, and it would be hilarious if the Dolphins fell out.
  10. Doubt it, winning this one secures the division, they want that bad.
  11. Postgame talking about Mahomes securing his position in the MVP race from this game....this one?
  12. On the one had that sounds hilarious. On the other that sounds ridiculously well aligned for destined vengeance/sadness.
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