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Everything posted by Warcodered

  1. You know if you could score on these ***** turnovers this would an interesting game.
  2. Fingers crossed, but odds are this goes in a very lopsided direction and switches to something else at some point.
  3. I think I saw somewhere it was a good idea to keep it to one to two syllables so it's easy for the dog to remember.
  4. I hope he can come back, but I do think I remember him saying earlier that the Doctors told him he'd feel like he could play before he really could, so who knows.
  5. I don't think they can really say anything until he clears, till then it's really just a protocol stage watch when they're in practice.
  6. And his QBs want to be conscious, but we don't always get what we want.
  7. Just any one of you AFC West teams beat the Chief just once, that's all just once, I mean come on.
  8. When you say it ain't cold about a hundred times it's probably cold.
  9. Doesn't feel like a great job to take, but how much picking choosing is he able/feel he can do at this point in his career.
  10. I remember him seemingly threatening to leave for a while, looking for a more media/celebrity friendly market for him and his wife. Wouldn't be shocked if that had been wearing thin.
  11. Alternatively I could just stab myself in the eyes and ears, cut out the middle man as it were.
  12. There season was over, not really different than with Kyle Williams when he retired. He's just not a longtime franchise favorite getting a fan send off at the end of the season.
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