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Everything posted by Warcodered

  1. If I had to sum things up, I'd say China came off looking stupid in all of this, they sent a giant camera attached to a balloon to spy on us, what are they a ***** cartoon? Seems like we knew about it, because how could we not, weren't worried about it seeing anything, I mean how hard is it to hide anything we want before the big slow ***** balloon gets overhead. We probably learned more by seeing where they were looking than they did actually doing it. More than that China doesn't exactly look great getting their hand caught in the cookie jar.
  2. Plenty of people here seem to like the idea of a ***** it all in even if we suck after move. Even if this specifically was a terrible decision, not sure it is, what about the Jets organization would make you think that makes it somehow less likely?
  3. I think it's also been Senior Bowl week right? How have those practices gone?
  4. I mean from the tweet it seems he's been a defensive coach the last decade maybe definitely a DB/safety coach the last 5 years, that may be more relevant than his 2 years as a WR in college?
  5. With how things went this season the Safety Coach position was definitely tested, I guess they weren't satisfied with how the absolute ***** ton of adversity was handled?
  6. Maybe if it was Gabe, Knox has really gotten better at that. If this was about Saffold I guess we'd be reading about how he just let someone into his room without resistance to take his wallet.
  7. With a career history of the Texans, Jaguars, and Falcons how could we say no.
  8. Must be some sort of tactic to distract Andy Reid with a potential future Chief.
  9. If drafting a DE from Iowa hasn't worked out yet try try again?
  10. So does this mean Josh is still a 1 time Pro Bowler? The one time being the year there wasn't a Pro Bowl so there wasn't a reason for him to opt out. 😭
  11. Could see Davis Webb becoming an assistant QB coach but don't really see them moving on from Brady after a year unless there's some reason we don't know about or he gets an opportunity somewhere else.
  12. The story about that city has been worrying with that salt mine it just seemed like exactly the kind of fight Russia would want/excel in. Where they could throw waves of their men at them while it takes away some of the advantages the Ukrainians have had. Getting stuck in a fight like that seemed like a bad idea.
  13. I don't think that's the correct use of the word slander.
  14. Pretty incredible that we're sending three O-line to the Pro Bowl this year along with the two players that essentially covered for that group all year in Allen and Knox, maybe they can carry their bags too.
  15. Was there a series of LG assassinations that we haven't heard about?
  16. Pretty sure there was a " why the ***** you" in front of it which has some contextual sense.
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