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Everything posted by Warcodered

  1. Wow and I really thought there was a chance you'd like it.....🤣 nope can't even pretend.
  2. I mean they were all in on a spry man a whole 3 and a half years younger.
  3. That seems more like cleaning up gun violence than doing anything to prevent it in the first place.
  4. If only we could do a little more work to find out if this was wrong.
  5. Are they, looked at the actual release from the IRS that you posted your reaction tweets of, and it seemed more like they were trying to make the process more efficient/easy to use for reporting, or at least that seemed like the goal, didn't see anywhere in it about them cracking down on people not reporting tips.
  6. Just remember the important things, Trump cut taxes for rich people, and in the end isn't that what really matters. Also he put up some of a wall.
  7. Do you just not know that there are multiple ways to use the word "feel"? I feel like this might be the case.
  8. Santos is just talking about that time when he gave the state of the Union. Oh right, Biden has been actually passing legislation while in office.
  9. I feel like that's probably a direct quote from a previous President, or at least it sounds like how he talks. I can see the circle jerk of we hate the current President is well under way.
  10. Think he probably meant Putin would keep trying to kill him, though he definitely phrased it like it was Boris, also this still wasn't in the article, either way I'm not sure I'm going to fault them for saying not to trust Putin's word on an agreement considering how he keeps breaking them with them.
  11. I agree, but at the same time I am glad that the question is no longer just hanging overhead anymore.
  12. Could the Chargers move some of that hit down the line and extend him though?
  13. And Lamar was never going to play in that game with a recovering knee when if it got hurt worse they could just walk away from him. They needed a deal whatever it was going to be, not getting it done bit them in the ass.
  14. Not having that deal done earlier really ***** the Ravens in the playoffs.
  15. But then who would the Rams trade those picks for? It's not like they use 1st round picks I think they might be allergic.
  16. We should just shrug our shoulders and say we have no clue what weird weather event caused their balloon to burst over our coastline, but we'll be sure to let them know if we find anything out from the data recovered from the debry. I mean if we're all just going to be peddling bull####.
  17. If the comparison we're suppose to make is the one in the OP, then not to imply a difference in the worth of either life, but I think we can see the reason why there'd be more National News coverage of an attack on the at the time Speaker of the House's home and family than the murder of a city councilor.
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