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Everything posted by Warcodered

  1. Unsung heroes of the zombie apocalypse.
  2. Recharging his batteries for next season?
  3. I mean if they sign OBJ it's not going to cost us a draft pick, so I don't see why they couldn't do both.
  4. That'd be true if he was playing right now and not in September, he has a lot more time to get back.
  5. He has been good WR adjacent at the least, but how is he connected to Carolina? Also as much as people seem to not like/be sick of the idea of OBJ here, he'd probably be very good here and if coming back from the injury somehow makes him more affordable this would be a great direction to go short term.
  6. Yeah that's a terrible ***** case, you're not going to win arguing you didn't commit as much of a crime as they reported so they should give you money, that's just nonsense.
  7. Except it is about the one thing... Haven't seen anywhere where it's about anything else.
  8. How in the world could that possibly be true. How can someone be guilty, I think it's actually liable because it's not criminal, of defaming someone with something they're guilty of?
  9. Well at least he didn't plead guilty to more crimes....that's an interesting silver lining.
  10. Also kind of weird to predict phone calls on your wrist and phonebooths still being a thing, they just don't line up.
  11. For a first year OC he really wasn't terrible, giving the guy another year to improve isn't that ridiculous.
  12. Because we're burning everything to the ***** ground.....🤷‍♂️ This is going to be a long offseason.
  13. So alien plants like ours would be difficult? Then again with enough time maybe not. Us being able to send one in 50-ish years wow, I mean lets just ignore how terrible an idea that is I guess. Seriously lets send a self replicating asteroid/moon eating AI out to spread across the universe there's no way that's a ***** terrible idea. I mean by being self replicating it invites the very real likelihood of AI evolution not to mention the idea of there being no issues with data integrity over such long periods of time not to mention all the radiation it's going to get blasted with. But no this seems like a very sound plan. 🙄
  14. With you right until the last sentence.
  15. I do believe I still said they needed a stop and got one, or did you forget that they were down by 10 at half?
  16. Without it KC would have needed there defense to get a stop for them to have a chance, hell they still did need that and got that.
  17. What a ***** way to end this game, NFL has to love the Refs for ***** them over like this.
  18. They don't make Andy Reed available if they're losing at the half.... what are they 5?
  19. Re-aggravating that injury hasn't even effected the game yet, he'd be down by the same number of points either way, the free 7 points from the Eagles can be glossed over I guess.
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