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Everything posted by Warcodered

  1. I blame the snakes, I wouldn't want to go to Miami either.
  2. One more thread and this is a sure thing.
  3. He's kind of ruthless and relentless when it comes to making jokes though, didn't he make one to Hyde about his neck?
  4. Shows up on the show: "Wait who's trying to trade for me?"
  5. No idea if this is a great football move to get this guy, personality wise though this guy seems awesome.
  6. So wait when does he go to Dallas?
  7. Had to go in for a system update or for some upgrades.
  8. It's an interesting tactic to negotiate by giving the other side all of the leverage.
  9. It'd be so great if he got them all jobs on the Jets then just retires and doesn't show up.
  10. Being on team 3 in 6 years as a QB is generally a pretty good sign of that.
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