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Everything posted by Warcodered

  1. Yeah they just need to get over half of the House to create article of Impeachment and they're so good at all agreeing that it only took them 15 tries elect their Speaker. Then what, they're not going to remove him that takes 2/3 of the Senate and they don't even have half, so congratu*****inglations?
  2. You do realize that Senators do also have access to classified materials right?
  3. Does anybody else get the feeling that the majority of that speech was stolen from somewhere else? This could be the greatest episode of "Dog the Bounty Hunter" ever.
  4. Seen the movie can't remember the title, it's that time travel one right?
  5. Probably have a better case with obstruction over the top secret documents, but who knows he could always win the nomination and then as things play out in court get convicted and leave Republicans to scramble to replace him.
  6. This thread seems destined to veer into the same irony of that one about "Why the Gays love the Dems so much".
  7. "This political group did something I didn't like and treated a politician I like in a way I think is unfair, therefore they must actually want to turn this country into Communist Hellscape." .....well that escalated quickly.
  8. It does depend on how they choose to enforce it, could go with a more active approach trying to find them sure, but I think it's more likely they'd go with more passive programs meant to shrink the number of Assault rifles in circulation over time. Yeah that's not Communism.
  9. You mean the documents that we only know about because Biden went through the correct process of notifying the authorities and turning them in.....you think he didn't cover his legal bases on those?
  10. The point was people are paranoid that the government will do that, but first they'd have to actually vote to do it, I'll believe it when I see it, second they'd have to decide to try and enforce it as stupidly as possible, I brought it up at the end because they do have the authority to do more extreme measures because we give them that. Far more likely is a more gradual approach which would probably inevitably result in lawsuits that'll find their way up to the Supreme Court.
  11. You're replying to a chain of replies about banning AR-15s WTF are you talking about? How would the goal not be to remove them? I suppose technically you can write a law in such a way as to grandfather in previous ownership but when the previous comment is as vague as "ban them" I don't really get into that detail. Also there are a lot of different ways to enforce a ban beside peoples paranoid posse of a roving federal band going around and taking peoples guns. They can use buy-back programs, they can institute fines, they can enforce it as they see it, and obviously they'd ask people to turn them in, but yes also they could take more extreme measures.
  12. Yeah that's what making something illegal is, pretty much by definition.
  13. Meanwhile in Tucker Carlson's email: "It's not like the Republicans are actually going to do anything, they can't wait for this guy to be gone too."
  14. She would have been better off saying he'll have his day in court, but it's hardly a big deal she's not the prosecutor, judge, or a juror.
  15. Was going to respond to that post of yours when I started responding to Blitz and the quotes got mixed up I guess.
  16. Do you think the people of China were unaware their Country has been Communist? Like I said before if you think a Country's government can secretly be Communist it shows a very profound lack of understanding of what Communism is from you.
  17. The fact that you think a Communist government can be a secret once again shows your profound lack of understanding of Communism.
  18. Most notably there's a purple giraffe, I'm sorry I thought we were just saying random ***** without actually adding anything to what we were saying, his son what? You didn't connect that to anything. They found more documents and turned them in when they found them and then turned over the process of searching, there's no apparent evidence that they knowingly still had those documents. Trump is in trouble for knowing he still had them and not turning them in lying about it and obstructing. That's ***** difference.
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