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Everything posted by Warcodered

  1. and I mean does Bill Belichick look like a man that holds a grudge.....somebody should trade for Mac for his own safety.
  2. Hopefully he didn't play lacross.
  3. That dog's taste in WR is a curse.
  4. ....well clearly this along with the 2nd amendment is just another one of the flawless things in our Constitution that should never change.
  5. Maybe his primary opponents do, Trump being on trial in no way is bad for his opponent in the General election. It might fire up his base but they were voting Republican anyway, I don't see Independents being thrilled with him being potentially convicted.
  6. By the time he could appeal the general election would be over, and he wouldn't be qualified to be in it if he's a convicted felon.
  7. So you want mental health screening in background checks, because yeah I'm not opposed to that form of Gun Control.
  8. Or as we reviewed earlier it's more accurately "Show me the man and I'll indict him for the crime we've been investigating him for the last half decade."
  9. Why would anyone be surprised by that, it's literally what he's done the entire ***** time? "Hey the election was stolen somehow, please donate money for me to not use on that."
  10. 🙄 It is amusing watching run into this wall over and over again of having it explained how you're wrong, only for you to come back with nuh uh, and we'll impeach him. Which the impeach him thing is funny because Trump is actively being investigated for this now, meanwhile no articles of impeachment, it's almost as if that's not a thing that's going to happen.
  11. He's become far more consistent since his earlier issues.
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