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Everything posted by Warcodered

  1. I mean it looked like he threw it away....on 4th down?
  2. A decent description of the monster they let in the door.
  3. Tua testifying in the Future: "Actually my back was fine."
  4. That's not even really a joke, guy gets another concussion he's done.
  5. Didn't Obama actually pay to rent places when he went on those vacations? Like this feels like a terrible example.
  6. I mean they are one of their top 3 trading partners oddly enough.
  7. The only way China goes after Tiawan is if they actually believe we won't do anything about it, they don't want to go to war with the U.S. War with the U.S. would ***** up there world just like war with them would ***** up ours.
  8. Yeah, I think the whole Japan and Korea thing is more about having more cooperation between allies in the region of two nations that traditionally have not gotten along very well, I wouldn't blow it out of proportions.
  9. Tyrod has to do something there, get rid of the ball, run, do something.
  10. I think a big issue is that both sides seem more interested in using the issue as a political prop to bludgeon the other side, than actually making progress on improving the issue.
  11. Yeah that's probably how it happens just silently not include him in the new stadium.
  12. They'll probably just toss them when they're done with them, so you might be able to ask if you can get one when they do. Though that is kind of hit or miss that they're not a stickler about some sort of rule and that your able to line things up to get it.
  13. That's more because of what Josh is being asked, everyone is asking him about the fancy new toy and how he fits into the offense, everybody is already used to Knox.
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