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Everything posted by Warcodered

  1. Also on 2nd and like 30 something they just had us run it a couple times and punt for some reason, instead of maybe practicing that situation?
  2. and he doesn't have a cool enough nickname to get away with it for some reason.
  3. They aren't wearing the right colors to have a penalty called on them tonight.
  4. That was a stunningly stupid looking pass, where's the PF? was it after the pick?
  5. Everyone is taking things with the calm and level headed attitude you'd expect of the fine folks around here.
  6. McDermott probably saw that scramble and was like "Yep, that's enough of that."
  7. Yeah let's not let defenders get a shot at Josh's arm please.
  8. Okay I'm not sure that's Isabella's fault where was the blocks on that one?
  9. Well it was a better return for Isabella if there hadn't been a penalty.
  10. Foles was with the team for the season but he basically only started for the postseason for that Eagles Super Bowl win.
  11. It's fun seeing him and Mark Hamill together since they've got this and the Joker in common.
  12. It's the middle of the 2nd half, and the Texans are bad so a bit of just bad team and preseason football.
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