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Everything posted by Warcodered

  1. Having helped that city win two Super Bowls in recent years I don't see him feeling bad about holding out, barring some change I'd expect him to follow through with what he said he'd do.
  2. Not a maniac about winning 🤦‍♂️ Odds are Allen, Mahomes, and Burrow are all maniacs about winning if not even more than them, there's more that goes into winning a Super Bowl than that, even Brady who's a ridiculous ***** outlier went to the Super Bowl 10 times which was less than half the time he was in the league and won it less than that. Looking at someone with less ridiculous numbers Peyton Manning went 4 times in his 16 year career and won half of them, Roethlisberger twice in 17 years. It's like it's really ***** hard or something.
  3. I was more worried about where those suspicious red splotches came from.
  4. As evidenced by some of the threads created the last couple of days.
  5. Part of the incentive of separating by going early was probably not being tried with a nut like Sydney. Her following him on the early timetable is hilarious.
  6. He does still work with Palmer, the fact that he doesn't put up giant billboards describing his offseason routine doesn't mean he isn't doing anything.
  7. I don't know if anyone knows this, but winning the Super Bowl is like really hard. I think only one team does it each year. But seriously did someone pump the board full of hallucinogens and not tell me?
  8. Josh heard about people complaining about his exercise routine so I think he's just running everywhere now.
  9. Has he been not watching film, not working out, and drinking?
  10. Wouldn’t allowing him to continue to embarrass himself by getting burned playing corner be a pretty good punishment?
  11. Kind of feels like maybe this is some sort of result of how things have changed from back in 2018-2020 when Josh was really developing as a QB and needing to raise up his game. So there always a bunch of stories about what he was doing to improve and what he was working on in the offseason, it was a major focus in those years. Flash forward to now and it's been a few years of him being one of the top QBs in the league and maybe he gets a few questions about what's he been working or trying to add to his game this year and that's about it. I don't really think he's stopped working in the offseason, it's just not that big a story anymore.
  12. That really does break my heart to see that, guy really ***** up his life, and it'll effect her as well.
  13. I've never really heard him talked about in that way like Davis Webb was, would he be a good fit as a coach?
  14. He's helped the team win two Super Bowls, he has a limited time to get paid, pay the man.
  15. That's a pretty classy move, it's kind of against his own interests.
  16. I mean I get he wasn't really good but he was a fun guy on the team. Also the only one who kept this thing contained.
  17. Meanwhile lets put games on 3 different subscription services as the season goes on.
  18. Josh in that QB room podcast basically said for his commercials he's there for a couple hours and then he's done, so I'm really not sure how much of a distraction they could be for him.
  19. What he knows is he needs to get paid, it isn't that complicated.
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