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Everything posted by Warcodered

  1. That's obviously true, but you don't want everyone to know exactly where you're running based on what RB you have in.
  2. Wow some really butthurt Jets fans in the replies of that tweet, guess they're not happy the missed call actually got called out. Still probably in FG range but they shouldn't have missed it.
  3. Maybe if the game had gone better this whole thing would have been treated as the joke that it clearly was, instead it comes out right after that ***** game and everyone on twitter are just as bad as it gets here so it's just another excuse to vent.
  4. Josh could probably get the ball to orbit the moon.
  5. and then he randomly remembered who he was for the last drive of the 4th quarter.
  6. Defense gave up 10 points, the Jets got the ball in FG range once and got stuffed and took the points actually that might have happened twice.
  7. Whelp that sucked, this place is going to suck for a while, probably going to mostly avoid it maybe check-in in a week.
  8. Why we score a TD we win, plus we just drove their defense down the field.
  9. Wrong thread and White had great coverage on that TD it was just a ridiculous play.
  10. What were they preemptively icing the kicker? What was the point of that timeout?
  11. He was right in front of the sticks guy was right on him, would he have been open if he was deeper?
  12. I think Zac took a pretty good shot at him when he managed to get the stop, so Milano had to let him know about it.
  13. Milano that was great, but you didn't have to make it so obvious that you were letting him know. 🤣
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