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Everything posted by Warcodered

  1. I was going to say that really sucks for him to have that kind of injury on his rookie contract but I guess they just signed him to huge extension, which you know suck it Dallas, but hope he recovers. That really does suck they were probably really looking forward to playing each other this year.
  2. Wonder if it was a combination of Bernard looking like he might be solid in the spot and Kirksey not feeling like he came back as well as he expected too from his injury.
  3. Pretty much what was reported from the Bears before, still seems a little odd that they seem to specifically leave out the rumor about his home being raided, but I don't know It's hard to say that's true when there's a lot of BS that was put out.
  4. He looked alright in a couple games and it's Greenbay and they went from Farve to Rodgers now to Love surely this means he's great....🤷‍♂️
  5. I don't think anyone credible reported Eberflus crying some of this story has been denied by the Bears, the raid on Halas Hall, maybe there is some truth still at the center of it but I wouldn't put it past that account to add that crying description for added drama.
  6. I think you may be missing the point of that tweet.
  7. This does seem oddly specific about Halas Hall not being raided but I don't know. 🤷‍♂️
  8. I certainly like what this one was about more than the last one.
  9. If nothing else we'll eventually have a song to play in the stadium when we play the Chiefs.
  10. Is this something he did during or after his Presidency? It definitely sounds like the kind of stupid thing he'd do and that they'd just have to put up with like him forcing them to give Jared security clearance.
  11. Makes sense having two of them never made much sense when it was going to be a fight to get one to work.
  12. Was there PI, eh maybe but Watson can ***** off.
  13. I feel that's more clean than what they were saying.
  14. I'm just going to call that a net positive for Pickett, could have been worse.....also does he get the assist for the sack?
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