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Everything posted by Warcodered

  1. Wow refs are like man we can't call a flag on that it'd offset the penalty we want to call on you.
  2. The way running up the middle has gone, smart call to get the ball to Allen and let him make the call up against the 1.
  3. I might not mind it as much if they'd call the block in the back on that big QB run Howell had, maybe penalize us equally would be nice.
  4. must have been some disconnect between what he was seeing and what they were showing us with the graphic.
  5. Bernard keeps this up today and Kyle Brandt is going to lose his mind on Monday.
  6. Bernard gets an interception and we get a bunch of replays of not his interception.
  7. Bernard joked about racing with Milano in INTs after last game, well they're tied now.
  8. Well they're probably not silent, but the screaming out in terror feels accurate.
  9. Bengals going to run Burrow into the ground instead of letting him sit and maybe actually recover?
  10. This seems to happen every year to them, is there some sort of issue with their training staff or something?
  11. Cook working on his dad jokes, McDermott will have him watching film on it later.
  12. Whatever you have to tell yourself to continue to fit the narrative that you want.
  13. You have to remember they shut down the government when they had control of the Presidency, the House and the Senate I'm not sure they remember how to run a government anymore.
  14. Good thing the Colts learned their lesson and are protecting his replacement....
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