With all the top draft picks they've had in recent years the team has tons of talent, but there is no unity nothing tying it together, it's just a bunch of guys.
I'm sure they'll call it equally on the Bills' offense and the Bills defense.
Definitely have that feeling, still there's that driving force of "Hey it's those ***** guys, go kick their ass."
This isn't exactly better, he's basically asking how much they're being allowed to cheat today, because the guy is always lining up wrong and getting an early start.
It's hard to rush when you're feet get tangled up in the roots.
Yeah I mean once as a fan of Josh and the Bills I'm pissed, but being neutral ***** happens, but like 3-4 times WTF? It's like they just watched one of the defenders decide to just randomly assault him and didn't do *****.
Why the ***** are the Colts going for it on 4th down? They have less than a minute just punt it or kick the FG and let us kneel it out. Why risk players getting hurt this is dumb.
Yeah I mean we play them next week, we beat them and they're one loss from being tied while losing the tie breaker. Doesn't feel like we should give up on that.