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Everything posted by Warcodered

  1. To be fair the way the Bills initially described him leaving was him deciding to take a year off which vaguely makes it seem like he'd be back.
  2. Burrows got to get home and incase his leg in ice.
  3. Shared trauma? Coming off of the injury.....yeah sure.
  4. What a beautiful onside kick went right to his open arms.
  5. You know that reversed TD really kind of sucks now.
  6. Now lets wrap up this ***** game with a failed onside kick.
  7. Should have been 6 there but whatever and what the hell was that play.
  8. That's the game unless the Rams suddenly remember how to offense. That TD reversal was pretty significant too.
  9. Oh right they sold their future and have been paying for it since.
  10. A call that can go against the Rams, that's all you needed to say.
  11. They weren't when they clubbed them last week, at this point I can't say I'm more worried about Lamar's health than Burrow's.
  12. "Looked enough like himself." He's looked exactly like he has the last two games, the Rams have just been terrible, if they could actually score points the Bengals wouldn't be in this game at all.
  13. Tee Higgins in the lockeroom? looking for his hands?
  14. The ***** did I just see? They threw on 3rd and 1 putting that linemen in a tough position and ran on 3rd and 16 really?
  15. Tee Higgins probably shouldn't have greased his hands before the game.
  16. The fact that multiple DCs do it must mean they're all crazy, not that it's something that defenses do sometimes.
  17. "He must be feeling a bit better" Burrow: I feel great, can't feel my leg at all.
  18. These teams do realize they might want these timeouts later right?
  19. What's important for the Ram's offense in the second half, probably moving the damn ball.
  20. Burrow looks like he's flirting with throwing a pick 6 ball.
  21. Lack of reps? From preseason? It's week 3 he's played 2 games he should already have gotten more reps than any starting QB gets in preseason.
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