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Everything posted by Warcodered

  1. McDermott and this defense taught him some valuable lessons, it's up to him to get better from it.
  2. I was wondering whether that would be the narrative or like in the past the team we beat would retroactively become worse.
  3. This is true, but I still ***** hate this, we can't ever seem to have our defense in it's whole form, I ***** dream of seeing it, we've been real close with Tre getting back but I really wanted to see it with Von back too.
  4. You mean like all those other times when it did?
  5. Did he really just say that? Like was he in a coma the last two times we played them?
  6. No someone has been whining about it every time there happens to be one where he gets stopped short saying we should never call it.
  7. another 1st down Cook run for 4 yards...huh.
  8. He's just listening to the crowd it's his favorite.
  9. I think he took a pretty bad shot to the head right before his pick when he threw it away as Kingsly brought him down.
  10. Considering previous occurrences it's understandable.
  11. Have the same impulse but with all the cheap shots from the Dolphins, I don't know if I'd tea them up like that.
  12. I guess when you get bored kicking extra points you get creative.
  13. and I ***** hate it. Not for nothing I do want the guy to be good and I want us to actually get something out of the pick and would have liked him to have gotten on to the actives. But this about the worst way I could imagine it happening, I hope he steps up. Hope Tre gets better and can still be great with us.
  14. Aw man this is bull#### man he just got back to himself.
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