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Everything posted by Warcodered

  1. Which makes sense, the roster was getting reshuffled there's going to be an adjustment period no matter what, so they bring in youth and try and get a solid base under key positions with new younger players this year while getting in position make bigger moves next year on a roster that will hopefully be more solidified.
  2. The WR they took makes more sense this way too, they didn't take the guy that's as immediately ready as the others, they took the big raw physical freak they could develop.
  3. Beane would definitely strike as the type of guy to do what he could that makes sense, while not ruining a great shot at having great position to make some serious moves next year. Not only do we have all those picks but Diggs cap hit comes off as well.
  4. That could be a really good pick, Vikings could be really terrible this year.
  5. Maybe Beane wanted the center but getting up a round higher next year was worth it after that.
  6. and the Bears having 1st overall picks this year makes those picks a decent bet for high picks, you never know but a decent bet to make.
  7. 5th round gems would be nice, and really wouldn't mind 2025 4th round picks.
  8. Not for nothing but Single Moss sounds like an awesome fusion.
  9. My opinion isn't the point, you and everyone acting like we didn't take one are being disingenuous, Beane is clearly higher on the guy than you are, would you be saying the same thing if they took Franklin at the same spot even though he was available in the 4th round?
  10. With how he's supposed to be good covering TEs and he commented on how he got good by covering the Utah TEs in practice specifically Kincaid, have to think the two do have a fun relationship.
  11. I love that since everyone didn't like who we took at WR everyone is just pretending like we didn't take one.
  12. So probably not a guy you'll sign again. Such is the fate of RBs in the NFL.
  13. He just helps people find God another way.
  14. So a thought occurs to me, logically it makes sense for Beane not to use all of those 5th round picks because that'd be crazy......but Beane is really good at 5th round picks.
  15. might become a rash if people aren't careful.
  16. Wouldn't he have interviewed at the same combine that he was so sick at that he had an awful performance at?
  17. Watching that the thought that occurs to me is he plays like a bully, the ball is his and he's going to do what he wants with it.
  18. Yeah kind of coming around to the feeling of you can coach up route running and technique he's a young guy, you can't coach up him being a physical freak.
  19. For all the crap he's gotten, we literally could have taken Franklin at pick 95 if we'd wanted to, a guy that probably wouldn't have gotten the same backlash, but what are the odds Coleman makes it even close to there?
  20. Troy Franklin is an illusion that we all collectively imagined.
  21. We should have got a 3rd but then the league went "The Bills, ***** those guys."
  22. Remember this guy in an interview talking about being good at covering TEs because all that practice he had covering Kincaid in practice.
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