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Everything posted by Warcodered

  1. I understood Daniel Jones as a bridge QB but he's clearly not the guy, I'm just not sure what the plan is for the Giants.
  2. There's a bit of a difference between saying you're worried about the opponents offense driving on our defense and saying they're unstoppable, you know just a little. They weren't and now he gets to take his mocking just like anyone else would for saying this. Do you think you could say something like that to your friends and not get a bunch of crap for it afterwards?
  3. Copying the Falcons 🤢 the kind of thing that should make you reconsider all your life choices.
  4. Then he wasn't paying attention there were clear signs that there were plays to be made they just needed to make them. Once they started to low and behold look what happened.
  5. It's like white noise at this point.
  6. Will Ferrel predicting the TD. 🤣
  7. Are you sure he's not just dragging the bloated corpse of Terron Armstead stuck to the bottom of his shoe?
  8. I think there might have been some early talk about McGovern but I think he may have just been recovering from that injury.
  9. I have to think this one haunts her, and if nothing else maybe it taught her not to be a complete over the top ####### about a kid when he gets drafted. and the obvious shift from people after the Dolphins loss whether we actually care what they say or not. I'm sure he'll be right back where he was after they beat up on the next couple crappy teams they play.
  10. Honestly considering what he said about not wanting Joe to play hurt against the Rams, he's probably pissed about what they're doing.
  11. Honestly wouldn't have been shocked if the refs called a penalty for hands to the face and ignored the hold.
  12. The French and Italian connection.
  13. It's tough they've got a good defense, but Allen can do more than Purdy, we should be able to pull it off.
  14. I do think the offense is still brewing, it's been settling more and more as they've gotten more comfortable. They've gotten O-line play much more sorted, including compensating for Brown, gotten the short game working. They've got the run game working and now some of the passing game. Could start to find some more ways to get the TEs involved further down the field.
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