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Everything posted by Warcodered

  1. So the weather was wrong with the Chiefs?
  2. The guy on his second contract? Can his contract even fit here?
  3. Agholor caught the baby this time....barely.
  4. Has he broken 1000 yards no, did he have 2 seasons where he wasn't that far south of it yeah, did have ***** QB play also yeah, it's like people think the players available to be traded for are going to be these obvious lockdown rockstars, those guys aren't getting traded. You have to take a risk on potential and that they'll be better in a different situation.
  5. Did Kelce just walk off the field like a big child?
  6. I'm guessing sense a penalty both gives you yards and either a free down or another set of downs they don't want to just march you down the field on one play.
  7. That Taylor Swift stat can go right ahead and be fired into the Sun where it belongs.
  8. The Titans GM is an idiot if he thinks they have a chance, I doubt they end up ahead of the Texans or the Jags. Even if they make it they're not going to do anything, they're better off making a trade and actually trying to build something. Other teams are probably in similar situations.
  9. He'll be talking about how long are we going to allow the Flu to continue to plague man kind. That's a nice gift Mahomes.
  10. Chiefs maybe should have left Hardmen in New Jersey. New QB what the hell is he talking about?
  11. Seemed like a dumb 4th down call, just get the first.
  12. They don't stack penalties, they just go for whichever one helps the most.
  13. This always drives me up the ***** wall, it's so incomprehensibly stupid, that I have to believe at this point it is clear willful ignorance. Oh no they're talking about taking away our rights or doing something about our rights. I've got ***** news for you every ***** law takes away your rights this isn't some sudden surge of authoritarianism this how government and regulations work. Guess what the law against murder takes away your right, that's right your right to just kill people has been taken away by the big bad government. Before you go and complain that this is a ridiculous and extreme example, that's ***** obvious but the point remains all the way from something as extreme as that to something as mondain as speeding or running a stop sign. That's right the Government has also taken away your right to drive through a stop sign or hell even roll through one, and you're going to sit here and tell me that the idea that they can regulate the purchase and ownership of weapons that kill people is ridiculous and wrong? People need to grow the ***** up they're acting like children. Yes and then when they trace back those weapons back to the states without any regulations and nobody is ***** surprised.
  14. Also in the article and probably a more balanced response.
  15. I think there is at least some common ground to be found here, can we not at least agree that both the leading candidates are way too damn old, how in the world is it that both parties seem dead set on having us choose between candidates that would be octogenarians for most of their term in office of President.
  16. Yeah where the Jets put it, that's not spotting it they have to get it lined up and put down, they didn't have time and they just skipped it.
  17. They just need to show it to Cowboys fans then they'll never hear the end of it.
  18. I don't have the ***** words.
  19. The Giants obviously suck and ***** up....but that is ***** absurd.
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