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Everything posted by Warcodered

  1. He could definitely scheme a good offense with what we have.
  2. So they didn't think that a WR getting blatantly boxed out from a TD pass did not constitute pass interference....huh. 🤔
  3. If the timeline lines up that'd be great, though people are different so who knows, and TJ Watt was grown in a lab.
  4. That one depends on if he's the reason why the coverage was broken, if not then he just made a hell of a play regardless.
  5. Must mean we've gotten a second opinion or Milano is like Wolverine.
  6. Did Sam Martin actually have a good game? I know he punted a lot in the game but did he actually punt well?
  7. Well as we know we are remarkably healthy.
  8. I think the Zebras had a great game today, really moved the ball up and down the field.
  9. I liked how he tried to stiff arm a guy and continue to scramble and look to pass, like that was a thing he thought he could do.
  10. Don't know if I have a good read on how he played today, from people's reactions and just watching the game and not looking for him. Seemed like he made some plays made some mistakes, so kind of hit and miss, which wouldn't be terrible for a rookie kind of thrown into his first game.
  11. Oh Dak, you are not that guy.
  12. Wait are you telling me a team wouldn't be good without a good QB....stop the ***** presses.
  13. I don't know if that play has taken Dorsey's family hostage or something, but if it's not working do something different or fix it.
  14. Wow what a dumbass, leads with his head and then taunts him.
  15. Well to clear this up we had essentially double the penalty yards.
  16. It looked like he played the game he was told to, for the most part, towards the end kind of seemed like he was a little fed up with it, though maybe I'm wrong. I watched him lead Zay Flowers in the wrong direction on a pass and the commentators blame Flowers for tripping when tried to switch directions full speed on a deep pass.
  17. Use the Thursday Night game a brilliant solution except it ruins their ***** experiment, we're sorry you had a great idea but the plan is to screw over one of the teams. I mean isn't that amazing.
  18. This is true, it did feel pretty one sided to me, but we still had an opportunity take this game back, still pissed me off.
  19. Considering how the game played out, I think they were probably somewhat honest about having too slow a start, but I doubt they made an excuse, it's just not how they do things.
  20. Something we can all enjoy a bonfire in Boston.
  21. I would not be surprised if TEs were chipping again with the other Allen around.
  22. People were trying to find a way to balance out the obvious advantage that the Jaguars had, and that's about as much as they could find. Which kind of ignores the fact that the players are all used to staying in hotels.
  23. Like they barely asked him to do anything.
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