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Everything posted by Warcodered

  1. If we were actually serious about getting Hopkins but his price was too high, then wouldn't that mean Beane and the team are open to the idea that we could use another WR threat?
  2. What'd they do recommend the London trip?
  3. because he doesn't? 🤔 I mean last time I checked 19 was bigger than 4.
  4. Ever since the dog started making picks.
  5. I do enjoy it because I can't say he's wrong, at the same time he's got to be careful, the fine might mean nothing to him, but pissing off the refs wouldn't be good for him.
  6. McDermott going to step back and hire a defensive coordinator next season I guess.
  7. They did have a game planning time advantage not having go anywhere let alone international and deal with jetlag.
  8. The last one saying he'll just become a Chiefs fan, what a lazy ass bandwagon fan. "Oh my team sucks guess I'll abandon them and go root for the team that's currently been winning."
  9. I'm not sure that warning will have the intended effect, even in the continued chain from that person they apparently don't agree with it I guess. Their leadership doesn't care, that's great for recruitment.
  10. I was going to say something something last week, but let's not tempt fate.
  11. It's difficult not to see this as a direct result of his decisions. With all the political trouble and protests his administration has been facing it's not hard to see the kind of conspiracy theories that are going to come from this as well.
  12. There's a certain insanity/stupidity in a statement like this, I mean first of all considering what they've already done so it's like "Don't do that thing you're already doing." Second with the bombing of civilians it's a little awkward throwing the warcrime word around.
  13. That article paints a rather dark picture.
  14. Feel bad for the player, that fan base can kick rocks
  15. So it doesn't make sense for a bunch of them to all end up at the same place, but I think there are plays where there could be still where they're together to create traffic before they separate, at least I have to wonder if that's what it is or if someone ran the wrong route because that just makes so little sense.
  16. So despite having a military with tanks and planes North Korea is going to launch a guerilla attack like Hamas across the most heavily defended border in the world? I mean it might be interesting to see them try and ride those bikes across the minefield. They're ballsy as hell.
  17. Wouldn't they only be able to do that with money that they would normally spend on humanitarian aid? I can understand why people are worried about the people of Palestine right now. Obviously any sane decent person wants all of these horrible things to stop. The people that aren't a part of this that are there are in a terrible situation right now. They're surrounded by people engaged in psychotic and savage behavior. With Israel, people feel for Israel it's an unimaginable tragedy but they also know Israel isn't crippled, they're not destroyed. They're hurting but they still have a powerful military. Israel has every right to defend itself and take action against this threat and importantly to get those people back. I can see people being worried about Palestine though because Israel is in pain and they're angry.
  18. Wow the way things are going I'm just waiting for the story that someone's dog got loose and took a dump on Josh Allen's porch or Ed Oliver's horses escaped and are wandering through the town. I'm honestly surprised the plane didn't land in the wrong city.
  19. They didn't long play it with Von he got a scope and determined it was worse and he had to have the surgery that took him out for the season instead of the one where he'd be back.
  20. Like Dorsey needed another excuse not to draw up plays for the TEs.
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