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Everything posted by Warcodered

  1. Hmmm then maybe they shouldn't have let spectators into a proceeding that they know has a bunch of people protesting. 🤷‍♂️ Totally see the similarities though I mean other than being allowed to be there at the start and just sitting until they started yelling their message, and only yelling their message while then peacefully following police instructions and following them out. But you know besides that exactly the same thing.
  2. Just like it would be terrible for Democrats if Republicans could find a more moderate candidate or honestly just a different candidate than Trump to go against Biden, it would be a nightmare for Republicans if Democrats could find a moderate or younger candidate to run against Trump.
  3. Yeah he'd do great.
  4. Kind of sounds like the thought just never occurred to him.
  5. So instead of the ploy where he ignores what the other person says and calls them a Nazi, this time he'll just declare victory while spewing a few more pathetic insults like a child.
  6. You just kind of live in your own world, do you actually not know what my avatar is? So you post a failure to understand history...bold choice.
  7. It does feel very telling that after having it explained repeatedly to you how your just completely and just ***** mind numbingly wrong, you've just reached the point where you're just calling people Nazis.
  8. I'm pretty sure the only thing accurate in this is that you miss a lot of things. Now that I'm looking at your avatar there's a lot of red in it and you are rather obsessed with socialism....comrade?
  9. Yeah that's bull####, one Senator holding this up is just ***** stupid, Lindsey Graham laid it out perfectly, any Senator could have an issue with one policy on either side with an administration, no one should be able to just hold it up on their own like this it's ridiculous.
  10. Oh I don't know, the massive corruption favoritism aka crony capitalism and when they ***** over small businesses favoring the larger ones giving them support seemed like some pretty ***** up policies, but still no they obviously weren't socialist. Still it's nice that me pointing out what words mean is enough to confuse you into thinking I said I supported anything.
  11. Honestly it just doesn't seem like the guy knows what the ***** he's talking about, wage controls.....what like the minimum wage, oh the ***** horror, price controls what government regulations those aren't allowed to exist that's madness it must BE SOCIALISM!!!!!! It gets particularly good when he starts saying that in order to enforce this economic system the Nazis just had to be evil and do those bad things, I mean really it must of been the apparent "socialism's" fault, not like they were already rounding up and murdering their enemies from the start.
  12. We haven't even gotten to the third point yet, which is also ***** wrong. Seriously "I don't like this thing it's socialism," it's one of the stupidest things that's just gets vomited out here every day.
  13. Yes I get it you don't like the word socialism, but one day maybe you'll know what it means, if you try real hard.
  14. It's not that ***** complicated....well maybe it is for you, when at the beginning of your article you describe the Nazis as being publicly against socialism and Communism but privately support them that's your article framing a narrative of them secretly supporting those things or being secretly socialist, which as I pointed out was counter to everything you were ***** saying before. As to your point that the privatization went to friends of the state that's sort of true in that by doing it they wanted support from the private sector, because if you actually paid attention in history A. the Nazis didn't actually win the election they needed more friends and B. the German economy was double ***** up from the Great Depression and WWI.
  15. I get the sentiment but given how the end of the Tampa Bay game was that year can't really say the Bengals game felt similar.
  16. Ignoring that he's already a ***** idiot for what he's been doing, this is just incredibly idiotic on it's own, his stupid ***** stand becomes entirely meaningless and he's just arbitrarily screwing over certain officers. How about if he wants to ***** protest he chains himself to a podium in the Senate and inconveniences other Senators and himself instead of people who've done nothing to deserve this.
  17. The entire article goes in that direction it frames it that way from the very beginning, I'm sorry if pointing out that you're scrambling to find a point and going in two different directions upsets you. But it's not my fault that not only does history point out that the Nazis actually privatized industries when they came into power, but that they also actually targeted and murdered the social-democratic party in Germany and the actual ***** German Communist party. The Nazis weren't socialist just ***** live with it.
  18. What you thought people would actually think the killer saw the gun and was like "Well I have this might as well use it," that's some stupid ass *****. Mental illness seems like a forgone conclusion when someone commits an act like this, but I don't know feels like it'd be harder to pull off if, I don't know they didn't have a ***** gun.
  19. Yes because being suicidal as we all know gives you telekinetic powers to launch bullets much in the same way as a gun how could we not have known this sooner. 🙄
  20. If there'd been another the team would have imploded.
  21. How good are they at calling plays?
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